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Stardust Force - I can haz mah sixth star. But nobody cares about Oleonz. </3


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here is my deck i made. hope you like:)[spoiler=earthbound synchro land]


2x junk synchron

1x quillbolt hedghog

1x aslla piscu

1x cyber dragon

1x counselor lily

1x marshmallon

1x the tricky

2x uru

1x nitro synchron

1x road synchron

1x debris dragon

2x speed warrior

1x turbo rocket

2x turbo booster

1x treeborn frog

1x spirit reaper



1x call of the haunted

1x heavy storm

1x swords of revealing light

3x dimensional prison

1x mirror force

1x giant trunade

1x mystical space typhoon

2x sakuretsu armor

1x ceasefire

1x waboku

2x enemy controller

2x mausoleum of the emperor

1x savage coloseum

2x level retuner


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still it woulb be realy funny like these

cop-stop right there

thief- uses ring of destruction and ring of defense

or this

cop shoots thief

thief- monster reborn

or enven this

thief plays crush card

cop shoots him

cop dies

thief plays monster reborn

and finaly this

cop is in court

judge-you are guilty

thief-solom judgment



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i might.

and MKJ, you have until midnight to remove the spam from that post or have it reported. sorry, but that type of thing is very serious, and is the main cause of thread getting closed, and i'll be darned if this thread closes because of you. sorry, but that's just how it is. i apologize if this comes off as rude, but i care about whether or not this thread gets to stay open, even if it means i get booted for my actions.

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yiiiiiiikes spam.


@The guy with a Drifloon in his sig: Wow, I said "defending" in my last post... I was tired. Sorry. TOTALLY didn't mean to use Spirit monsters for defending (I are stupids...)


And I imagined this scenario:


Cop: Get out the way!

Thief: *summons Spirit monster*

*Spirit monster returns*

Thief: crap....

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Sorry i haven't been on lately and...



And also, Baku, how did you get hold of that video in the "Open if you dare" section in your sig? It look s ahell of a lot like my ava...

It is my avatar!



And why is everybody sending me entries for a contest of some sort? Sorry, I'm behind.


Sephiran, yeah I would help with a set. Just tell me the theme of the cards.

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