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Stardust Force - I can haz mah sixth star. But nobody cares about Oleonz. </3


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I lol'd Leon. xD


Anyway, I made some Flamvell support. ;D




You can Special Summon this card from your hand if a "Flamvell" monster is Tribute Summoned. If this card is Special Summoned, all Direct Damage inflicted to your opponents Life Points is doubled until the End Phase.[/align]


The general idea of this card was to basically be a Limiter Removal for Burn and Flamvells altogether.


Rate/Hate/Comment, whatever turns you on.

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[spoiler=Lore]Effect: You can Tribute 2 "Flamvell" monsters to Tribute Summon this card. When you do' date=' destroy all non-FIRE monsters on the field and inflict damage to your opponent equal to the number of monsters destroyed by this card's effect x 500. Once per turn, during your Main Phase 1, you can remove 1 monster with 200 DEF in your Graveyard from play to Special Summon a monster with 200 DEF from your Deck in face-up Attack Position. When this card is destroyed by battle, add 1 "Rekindling" from your Deck or Graveyard to your hand. The Deck is then shuffled.




It was made as support for this, and this:




Decent enough, right? Or did I fail AGAIN? >_>


I got the pic from Jazin's Archive.

And I think you mean "Get along".

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Hey Baku! *pokes Bakupenguin*

Wait...Oleon is a mod?! xD

You'd be suprised' date=' my friend.


*locks all threads Shadow owns and then rapes his Mum's profile*


And there ain't nuffin you can do 'bout it.


.............I draw the line where my family is concerned, you dumbass sonofa fuckface.

*Beats Oleon into an unrecognizable pulp and leaves him dead in some undisclosed location that he'll never be found*

And yes, I know that was going overboard. I don't give a damn. Nobody, and I mean NOBODY makes jokes like that about my family. Do it again Oleon, and you will get negged.

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I would prefir not overused and in a style similar to that of HP doom.


Ah' date=' then I got nothin'.


Hey Baku! *pokes Bakupenguin*

Wait...Oleon is a mod?! xD

You'd be suprised' date=' my friend.


*locks all threads Shadow owns and then rapes his Mum's profile*


And there ain't nuffin you can do 'bout it.


.............I draw the line where my family is concerned, you dumbass sonofa fuckface.

*Beats Oleon into an unrecognizable pulp and leaves him dead in some undisclosed location that he'll never be found*

And yes, I know that was going overboard. I don't give a damn. Nobody, and I mean NOBODY makes jokes like that about my family. Do it again Oleon, and you will get negged.



Thanks for killing the mood.

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Hey Baku! *pokes Bakupenguin*

Wait...Oleon is a mod?! xD

You'd be suprised' date=' my friend.


*locks all threads Shadow owns and then rapes his Mum's profile*


And there ain't nuffin you can do 'bout it.


.............I draw the line where my family is concerned, you dumbass sonofa fuckface.

*Beats Oleon into an unrecognizable pulp and leaves him dead in some undisclosed location that he'll never be found*

And yes, I know that was going overboard. I don't give a damn. Nobody, and I mean NOBODY makes jokes like that about my family. Do it again Oleon, and you will get negged.

Geeze man, i know a line was crossed, but seriously, its the internet, dont go all overboard k

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You can thank Oleon for ruining the mood Zeonark' date=' [b']he[/b] was the one that crossed the line.


No I'm not thanking him for that. I'm thanking you. Why? Because you got way 2 srs on the internet.


And even if it wasn't the Internet, he didn't really mean it. >_>

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you little! i will rip your head off and make you eat it one bite at a time while i am spamming your account!!!! and when you are done i will make you regurgitate it and i will rip you into a million pieces and shred them so i can glue them back together and shred you again!!!!!!! :( meanie

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