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Stardust Force - I can haz mah sixth star. But nobody cares about Oleonz. </3


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Oh you and your epic~


[spoiler=Here's a pic I pulled out.]CoronaArmy.jpg




I think it's... decent enough.


@Baku: It definitely fits.


Seems okay to me. ^^


So' date=' do you wanna come up with what sort of card this is going to be?


Or should I just make an effect for it?


@BP: Looks cool. ^^


[spoiler=[b']This should be your new sig.[/b]]





lol XD definately! i will put it in.

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Effect: You can Tribute 2 "Flamvell" monsters to Tribute Summon this card. When you do, destroy all non-FIRE monsters on the field and inflict damage to your opponent equal to the number of monsters destroyed by this card's effect x 500. Once per turn, during your Main Phase 1, you can remove 1 monster with 200 DEF in your Graveyard from play to Special Summon a monster with 200 DEF from your Deck in face-up Attack Position. When this card is destroyed by battle, add 1 "Rekindling" from your Deck or Graveyard to your hand. The Deck is then shuffled.


The effect is long. I went nuts. xD

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Nuts indeed. It's nuke burn is a bit overkill there. xD


Still, I like it. It owns everything that's not FIRE and then you can Foolish a Flamvell if you don't have one in the Grave, remove it, and then SS another one.


The last effect is lulzy. This card is lulzy.


Rawrsome. ;D

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Nuts indeed. It's nuke burn is a bit overkill there. xD


Still' date=' I like it. It owns everything that's not FIRE and then you can Foolish a Flamvell if you don't have one in the Grave, remove it, and then SS another one. <3


The last effect is lulzy. This card is lulzy.


Rawrsome. ;D



Aww. <3


You wanna post it? You seem to have a better rep in RC than I. ^^


Thanks, Baku. ;D

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Nah. You can.


If I post it' date=' there's going to be issues and bumping.

Pluuuuus... I REALLY don't want RC to see anything I do right now.



Why don't you want them to see? D:


Okay, I'll post it as soon as my current card gets bumped to the second page. ^^

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Because' date=' as I stated earlier, I'm not too confident in my abilities at the moment. So I don't RC to tell me "ITZ BAD. GTFO." or something if I show them anything. xD


Okie dokey.



You should be confident. D:


People lurve your work, bro. ^^


Clair' date=' your avi is teh smex. very nice. ^^





I is teh smex.



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Because' date=' as I stated earlier, I'm not too confident in my abilities at the moment. So I don't RC to tell me "ITZ BAD. GTFO." or something if I show them anything. xD


Okie dokey.



You should be confident. D:


People lurve your work, bro. ^^


Then how come I don't feel like they don't? Oh wait, that's right, my work is terribad. D:


Clair' date=' your avi is teh smex. very nice. ^^





I is teh smex.






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Oh you and your epic~


[spoiler=Here's a pic I pulled out.]CoronaArmy.jpg




I think it's... decent enough.


@Baku: It definitely fits.


I saw you posted this pic, and I just must make a card (I must make a card of all good FIRE picsa I find.) It might take a while though, this computer's art program is freaking out right now.



I just need two more pics to finish my negative set. Preferably a dragon, sea-serpent, or fish.

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