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Stardust Force - I can haz mah sixth star. But nobody cares about Oleonz. </3


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I'm using the pic.

I made the card. See?


This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned by removing from play one Zombie-Type "Gladiator Beast Equeste" while "DNA Surgery" is face-up on the field. This card can attack 3 times during the same battle phase. If this card would be Tributed for the Tribute Summon of a "Pegasus" monster' date=' you can treat this card as 3 Tributes. Pay 3000 Life Points each time this card attacks. At the end of any Battle Phase, if this card attacked or was attacked, you can return it to the Deck to Special Summon 3 "Gladiator Beast" monters.


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Now no smartass recounts about:

A: Zoma the Spirit

B: Embodiment of Adophis

C: Metal Reflect Slime

D: Stronghold the Moving Fortress

Can be killed in battle.

Smartass comments about how the above can be killed in battle. :P

I'm suddenly thinking about the Combo Dragons...


Fire and Water Dragon

Light and Darkness Dragon


Where's a damn Earth and Wind Dragon when you need it. D:<

Hold that thought.

*runs to go make EaWD*


Anyone able to find good Pegasus or Unicorn pictures? I'm making a set.

I honestly don't know - maybe steal the pic from Sunlight Unicorn. Nobody ever remembers that card. ;D


Check this out: Its EaWD. Earth and Wind Dragon.


Just made it now.


Lore:This cards Attribute is also treated as WIND. You can Special Summon this card from your hand or Deck by removing from play 1 EARTH monster and 1 WIND monster you control. This card loses 400 ATK for each WIND monster on the field' date=' excluding this card. Once per turn, this card gains the following effects based on the Attribute of the monsters on your side of the field.

WIND: Decrease this cards ATK by 1600, until the End Phase. This card can attack your opponent directly this turn.

EARTH: Switch this card to Defense Position and switch the original ATK and DEF of this card. All face-up monsters your opponent controls must attack this card.

This card becomes a Normal Monster during your End Phase.


I would be using more Wanderley pics if he uploaded his Archive more.


Wow, you actually made the card. O.O

Now here's the two cards:


[spoiler=Majestic Light Dragon: Edited][align=center]444759h.jpg


"Majestic Dragon" + "Light End Dragon" + 1 or more non-Tuner monsters

When you declare an attack' date=' you can activate this cards effect. If you do, this card loses 500 ATK and the attack target loses 2000 ATK and DEF and is removed from play when destroyed. If this card attacks, your opponent cannot activate any Spell or Trap Cards until the end of the Battle Phase. During your End Phase, return this card to your Extra Deck and Special Summon 1 "Light End Dragon" from your Graveyard.[/i'][/align]



[spoiler=Majestic Dark Dragon][align=center]444759b.jpg


"Majestic Dragon" + "Dark End Dragon" + 1 or more non-Tuner monsters

You can decrease this cards ATK by 1000 to destroy all cards your opponent controls. Card effects cannot be activated in response to this effect's activation. You can remove from play 1 DARK monster in your Graveyard to have this card gain 500 ATK. During your End Phase, return this card to your Extra Deck and Special Summon 1 "Dark End Dragon" from your Graveyard.[/align]




They still suck, don't they?

And Majestic Dark Dragon has that ATK gain effect so it'll be more effective than just a 2800 direct attack. >_>


Did anyone see this? I need feedback, come on. ><


And HP's images are awesome. Wut chu talkin bout

Will you please quit your whining? I can't right now due to having been away for a while and needing to catch up. >.<

I actually just made two cards using your images. I didn't like the fact that it had the konami thing in the bottom of the two cards.

With my set I still need pics for teh following Greek letters (a name next to it means I have made it):

Alpha: Reverser

Beta: Typhoon

Gamma: Necron

Delta: Force

Epsilon: Destroyer

Zeta: Abyss


Theta: destruction (looking for a better name)



Lambda: Confusion


Nu: Nihilation

Xi: Annihilation

Omnicrom: Devourer

Pi: Obscurity

Rho: Tyranus

Sigma: Stealth




Chi: Spectral

Psi: controller

Omega: Overload

Aaaaaaawwww! I wanted to find the images for Sigma and Omega! xD

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Finished! (Im fast)



This card's ATK and DEF are treated as -1400. If your opponent's Life Points are over 18000' date=' you win the duel. Once per turn, you can Tribute 1 "Negatrus" monster you control to Special Summon 1 "Negatrus" monster from your hand and draw 1 card.



-1400 ATK/DEF Values?




It's novel. ^^

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He's been doing those for awhile I believe.


Anyway' date=' anyone wanna make a card together? Not too confident in my own abilities right now, so I want a partner for the time being. >.>





You wanna choose the pic and stuff?

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Oh you and your epic~


[spoiler=Here's a pic I pulled out.]CoronaArmy.jpg




I think it's... decent enough.


@Baku: It definitely fits.


Seems okay to me. ^^


So' date=' do you wanna come up with what sort of card this is going to be?


Or should I just make an effect for it?


@BP: Looks cool. ^^


[spoiler=[b']This should be your new sig.[/b]]




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