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Stardust Force - I can haz mah sixth star. But nobody cares about Oleonz. </3


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"Plaguespreader Zombie" + 1 non-Tuner monster.

Once per turn' date=' you may select 1 "Revived King Ha Des" in your Graveyard and Special Summon it. When you use this effect, this cards ATK becomes 0 until your opponents End Phase. If this card is destroyed by battle, you may select one of your removed from play Zombie-Type monsters. If that monster is "Mezuki" return it to the Graveyard. If that monster is a Level 7 or higher monster, return it to the bottom of your Deck. If that monster is a "Plaguespreader Zombie" return it to your Graveyard.


Image Cred to Jazin Kay




Is everyone making Plaguespreader cards now?

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[spoiler=hey guys' date= I'm in need of a name for this card]66959oj.jpg



"Shot At Revival"


It fits because the guy is about to launch a arrow at a monster that looks like it's rising up from being revived.



Or my eyesight is horrible and I think I see a flying monster and a Archer.


Hetera Jinx.


I haven't seen some Jinx cards in a while - if you want to know what they are ask me.



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