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Stardust Force - I can haz mah sixth star. But nobody cares about Oleonz. </3


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I'm the normal Daily/Arceus/Kain/Guy who can't log in on YND. But everybody else who knows O.o


I always know - Chaos-rider Arceus.



and i am the guy that is not using ynd anymore because it lags way to friggin much. :x


So much for your triumphant return.



I wonder if YVD lags like YND. o:


No. No it doesn't.





Zero's returning to YND?


Who are you people and what have you done with Stardust Force?


What the in the name of Riolu is Stardust Force? This is Club Pichu! =.=





yvd is downloaded and then works only with yiou and the person that you are dueling. of course' date=' that means that you have to go in the chat and actively search for duelists, but that's not to big a problem.



You make it sound so easy for a noob to YVD. I downloaded it, I need a friggin' Tutorial to it!

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