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Stardust Force - I can haz mah sixth star. But nobody cares about Oleonz. </3


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Sorry I couldn't come, I was going to the Doctors. My Dad and Mum have recieved a "Free Health Checkup" because they're over 40. >.<


Anyways, I need to duel with my lulzy Blackwings now, Zeo? Blackwings vs Blackwings?

Boy, we have virtually the same Deck types. Damn metagame.><

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[spoiler= :evil:.sTrIcTlY cLaSsIfiEd.:twisted:]

wAnT tO pUt YoUrSeLf To ThE tEsT? eNtEr, PaRtIcIpAtE, pLaY. gO tHrOuGh ViGiRoUs ChAlLeNgEs, AnD sEe If YoU hAvE rEaChEd A nEw LeVeL. sTaRdUsT fOrCe GiVeS yOu...

The New Era Tournament!

gOoD lUcK, i'Ll KeEp yOu GuEsSiNg...


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Lolz. I was absolutely powerforcing (cwatididthar) Zeo. I had 10,000 more Lifepoints than him, he had 1200, I had 10,800. I only had a Sirroco and a Bora on the field. And I'm sure he was gonna do something Synch'ing revolved. And Mr.Blizzard, as I peeked guessed was ontop of my Deck was, and would've won me the game. But...D:


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I was gonna Sync Gale and Kalut into Brio and then discard two cards (Which 1 was going to be Vayu



I think that was what I was going to do. I forgot what I had on the field.


Funny. That all sounds smart in my head. Yet, I still feel like a loser in the end...

...Ugh. Mother isn't feeling too well now.

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The newest club competition will be released in 1 Hour.


The New Era Tournament is drawing nearer? Will you conquer Player's Mountain? Who will shine from above the others? The Destiny Is In The Palm Of Your Hand.



After giving that notification, I'm gonna post properly.

@Zeo: Pretty awesome combo, just, you wouldn't want a Bottomless in your future for that now, would you? ^^

@Seph: Maybe. Maybe later.

@Bass: Maybe. Maybe later.

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