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Stardust Force - I can haz mah sixth star. But nobody cares about Oleonz. </3


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Lolz. I never cheat.

It was a joke' date=' seeing as I don't even have Action Replay.


Right. Zero. Insult me or any one else in this club, or FAIL anyone else, you will be out. You lost your activity a long time ago, and now you come back in givfing yourself high authority, irritating me completely, insulting me, I don't give a damn if its a joke, I will stick with it. We were doing fine without you.


relax, will you? the inactivity was not my fault. you know what happens when life calls, right? and what do you mean by giving myself higher authority? now i am confused.

and oleon, i am sorry if this offends you or anything, but it's my job to point out failures whenever and wherever i see them, even if they are my own. granted, i will try to keep it within acceptable limits, but i am not going to completely stop pointing out failures. sorry, but that's just how it is.

and i really couldn't seriously diss riolu. he's to cute to properly diss, just like mew.

of course, that doesn't mean that either of them would win against mewtwo :lol:

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Lolz. I never cheat.

It was a joke' date=' seeing as I don't even have Action Replay.


Right. Zero. Insult me or any one else in this club, or FAIL anyone else, you will be out. You lost your activity a long time ago, and now you come back in givfing yourself high authority, irritating me completely, insulting me, I don't give a damn if its a joke, I will stick with it. We were doing fine without you.



He does say lol jk after the insult...

BTW, oleon, I have a friend who would like to duel you. His user is Dryice


Ah. Lets see it, shall we? Does he have an account on here? If so, tell him to PM me. I always acknowledge a challenge. ^^


And, Zero, frankly, I am too fed up with your job. So, next time your job calls, I will get irritated.


I am now stressed because the Platinum I recieved takes eight times longer than it should to save, and also whenever it battles, freezes. So I can't get past the first part of the game.

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if you have had platinum for 30 days or less, go and have it turned in for another one. the place you got that from should allow that, right?

did you get it from gamestop or gamecrazy? if so, did you get it used?

and as to my job, as i said, i will try to keep it within acceptable limits. also, i usually try to make it a bit of a joke so as to not offend others. of course, this does not count anything where riolu is concerned.

by the way, riolu is lucarios baby form, right?

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lol nice cookie!

and you got it from ebay? oleon, please do yourself a favor. do NOT get anything else from ebay. my dad has heard horror stories about things people got from ebay. from now on, please get any and all video games you might want from a video game store, preferably one that will allow you to buy and trade in used games. i tend to use gamestop, but i know that there are other game stores like that out there.

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Oh my god lol.




Its in great condition, hardly ever been used, and is well in tune. Had a problem getting sound out of it.



iHop is Tempest???

He never told me...

I dueled him and I absolutely pwned him...woah. Thats so densely clever of him...

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Firstly, it was more than an hour.

Secondly, you fail by this comment.

Thridly, your posts do not show up until i post for some reason.

Fourthly, really? After this short of a time range about speaking about your job you continue to do it? Sadist.

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