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The Mortal Flames Archetype


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This archetpe provides a new way to speed up your offensive tactics, but at a pretty high cost. Well, here goes:


Crucible of the Mortal Flame

Continuous Spell Card


Pay as many Life Points as you can in multiples of 1000. For each 1000 Life Points paid, place 1 Mortal Flame Counter on this card. During each of your Standby Phases, remove 1 Mortal Flame Counter on this card. If this card has no Mortal Flame Counters, you lose the Duel. When your Life Points reach 0, you do not lose the Duel. During each of your Draw Phases, you may draw an additional card. When this card would be removed from your side of the field by a card effect, remove 1 Mortal Flame Counter from this card to negate the effect of that card and destroy it. This card's activation and effect cannot be negated by another card, and you can only control 1 "Crucible of the Mortal Flame" at a time.




Last Flames of Hope

Quick-Play Spell Card


Activate this card only if you control a "Crucible of the Mortal Flame". Add 1 Mortal Flame Counter to the "Crucible of the Mortal Flame".




The Extent of One's Soul


LIGHT/Level 4



Increase this card's ATK by 400 for each Mortal Flame Counters on your side of the field.




Manifestation of Vengeance


LIGHT/Level 8



This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned from your hand if you control a "Crucible of the Mortal Flame" with 2 or less Mortal Flame Counters on it. Increase this card's ATK by 500 for each Mortal Flame Counters on the field.




Conquest for Power Lust


DARK/Level 12



This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned from your hand if you control a "Crucible of the Mortal Flame" and your opponent controls more monsters than you do. If you summon this card, you cannot Normal Summon or Set this turn. During each of your Standby Phases, remove 1 Mortal Flame Counter on your side of the field. If you do not, this card is removed from play.




The Producer of Soulfire


LIGHT/Level 4



During your Main Phase 1, you may pay 2000 Life Points to add 1 Mortal Flame Counter to a "Crucible of the Mortal Flame" you control. If you use this effect, your turn ends immediately.




The Mirror of Desires

Continuous Trap Card


Once during either player's turn, you can remove 1 Mortal Flame Counter from a "Crucible of the Mortal Flame" that you control to remove from play 1 Spell or Trap Card from your Graveyard. This card gains the removed card's effect and is activated immediately.




Otherworldly Plane

Field Spell Card


This card's effects are only applied if you control a "Crucible of the Mortal Flame". Increase the ATK of all monsters you control by 150 for each Mortal Flame Counters on your side of the field. Each time a monster is destroyed, place 1 Otherworldly Counter on this card. If this card has 5 or more Otherworldly Counters on it, you can remove them all to change this card's effect to the following:

-Increase the ATK of all monsters you control by 1500, then decrease their ATK by 500 for each Mortal Flame Counters on your side of the field.


The idea of this archetype is to turn the duel into the concept of "the hunter hunting the hunted". Basically, the opponent must do all he can to survive as the Mortal Flame Counters run out. Stall cards are essential here, and just because one is low on MFC's, doesn't mean that they are finished yet, as indicated by some of the cards in this set. Well, comments please, and I know this archetype is somewhat random.

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