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d gray man:the lost clan of solomon [basic][pg-13][not started/accepting all]

vengeful lemonS

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i might not be on that much bc of school so plz dont pm me about this if i havent been on for a while ~Train rides by


after all of the noah and the mellinum earl were destroyed the world was at peace for many years. Akuma slowly disappeared since the earl was no longer around to supply the world with new ones. Exorcists were no longer needed in this more peaceful world. lavi started to go back catalogging new historical events in time. Count kory(korykins ^^) returned to his castle.lenalee and komui stayed at the castle in case any new trouble arose. general cross and Allen went back to india to train. Little did any of our heros know that a new clan had emerged from the shadows of its fallen brother clan. this clan was the frist clan to rise and is the one spoken of in the prophcey on the original innocance cube.

their name is Solomon and with them a new type of Akuma was created Akuma Celestia. will this new clan be able to finish what the Earl started or will the Exorcists preveal?.



1.no god mod

2.what i say/mod is final

3.you may have 2 chars

4.have fun






where did you live:

rank:(normal exorsist/commanding officer/general)

anti Akuma weapon type:

anti Akuma weapon apperance:(in spoiler plz)

apperance:(if pic in spoiler plz)

bio:(not optional at least 3 sentences)





where did you live:

power:only 1


bio:(not optional at least 3 sentences)


[spoiler=Akuma Celestia]





bio:(not optional at least 3 sentences)



[spoiler=my apps]


age:around 29

where did you live:brazil

power:he can use vudoo dolls but he cant kill anyone with them one seriously hurt them(ie:small cuts around the body)



bio:hes a bit of a fool who is a bit of an under achiever. he s more of a pacifist because no one has ever beaten him before. he jokes around with his "little sister".he is the embodyment of sloth in the clan.



name:mor coffn


where did you live:west england

rank:n/a bookman

anti Akuma weapon type:a weapon

anti Akuma weapon apperance:the two guns in the spoiler





bio:he is lavi's apprentice. hes the wise guy of the team. his full name is Mor ge Coffn


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