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Organization XIII

Phantom Roxas

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Yay, Turkey Day~ I'm probably going to gain ten pounds. -_-


Also, I beat Inward Chaos. ._.;; I cannot tell you how annoyingly difficult Chaos was. Seriously. I decided to play IC around 1 a.m, and it took me till after 6 a.m. to finally kill the bastard.


I was using Tidus and kept failing, so I switched to Cloudy and owned him with EX Burst spam. And I do mean owned, because while he spent the first few dozen fights or so kicking my ass royally, on the fight where I finally beat him, I seriously tore him apart.


Unfortunately, I don't know if I'll ever be able to time my Blocks that well ever again. Dx

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Yay' date=' Turkey Day~ I'm probably going to gain ten pounds. -_-[/b']


Also, I beat Inward Chaos. ._.;; I cannot tell you how annoyingly difficult Chaos was. Seriously. I decided to play IC around 1 a.m, and it took me till after 6 a.m. to finally kill the bastard.


I was using Tidus and kept failing, so I switched to Cloudy and owned him with EX Burst spam. And I do mean owned, because while he spent the first few dozen fights or so kicking my ass royally, on the fight where I finally beat him, I seriously tore him apart.


Unfortunately, I don't know if I'll ever be able to time my Blocks that well ever again. Dx


Do you guys eat that much on Thanksgiving? D:

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I have no self-control, Mira.


Not with food.


@Lar: In his ability window, you'll see the the [-] ability beneath the Mastered Circle attack - you have to equip it. Then in battle, you just use the circle attack and follow up with the [-] as soon as it hits.


To my knowledge, Firion, Onion Knight, Golbez, Bartz, Exdeath, Terra, Cloud, Zidane, and Tidus all have link attacks like that. OK, Zidane, and Tidus have the most, though. And Exdeath's are technically just counters, since you don't equip them in the ability menu.



Also, you'll be able to beat IC, I think, if you get that Cloudy build. I changed two accessories to make it even better, so I'll tell you those later. Chaos was the only hard part - she cleaved through everyone else.

EDIT: And you'll need to clear it to unlock two new items in the PP shop, including a fifth Colosseum course, and making Genji armor appear in the shops.

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Happy Thanksgiving to you all. ^-^


I am sorry for being inactive (hence my name being erased...do I need to re-apply?) for a while.

I had work up to the ceiling, so I did not have enough time for teh fun internetz.


I just had a loaded dinner and just vegged out for the entire day (except for the mondo cooking...).

Love the turkey, potatoes, biscuits, string beans, and special sausage stuffing (clogging, yet delicious and made only once a year). Hot apple cider then finishes it off, with a slice of pie and a cup of coffee.


Anyone have something unusual this holiday?

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Happy Thanksgiving to you all. ^-^


I am sorry for being inactive (hence my name being erased...do I need to re-apply?) for a while.

I had work up to the ceiling' date=' so I did not have enough time for teh fun internetz.


I just had a loaded dinner and just vegged out for the entire day (except for the mondo cooking...).

Love the turkey, potatoes, biscuits, string beans, and special sausage stuffing (clogging, yet delicious and made only once a year). Hot apple cider then finishes it off, with a slice of pie and a cup of coffee.


Anyone have something unusual this holiday?



You chose the perfect day to come back


Cook + Thanksgiving = ^_^

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Thanksgiving... Nothing I'll every experience. Is it any good? Aside from all the turkey and stuff' date=' is it just a good holiday?



'Tis a large feast where family gathers to give thanks for all that they have, instead of thinking about what they want or need, but only about what they are glad they have.

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Name (The name you would like to be called in this club): Dylan

Species (Heartless/Nobody?): Nobody

Square Enix games you've played/own: Every KH game (excluding coded) that is out (I don't own them all)' date=' FF3 (ds), FF7 (ds), FF12 (ds), FF:CC (ds) and a lot more that would make this post a lot longer!



Because I never got around to officially approving this, I give my vote.

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