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Organization XIII

Phantom Roxas

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Try to tone down the queen thing. Xaru already tried acting vain and I seem to be th only one who didn't want to kill him.


Now he is on parole' date=' can't get promoted and can get permabanned from club on a whim. It's like having one of those sci-fi slave collars that explode but this one is attached to your balls.


Regardless you have my approval.



Actually, it's on both, and one extra actually overlapping the whole thing, that way my balls have no chance of survival.




Tongues are overrated. You should cut it out.


I prefer slicing stuff. Cutting is so. . .1997.


What can you say' date=' I'm retro. AND ROKKA <3


You kind of remind me of Moscow. Except without his constant b****ing at people to Get Offa His Rokka Cannon.


HEY. That was my nickname for Roxas, I demand a lawsuit for Copyright infringement! >=D


Apparently you have never ROKKA'D UP.

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Hehe, poker. Kind of reminds me of when Moscow, Kraka, Baba-kun, Plasma Whore and I were playing a game of it at Plasma Whore's Trench. Moscow was the only one who knew how to play, but he didn't really care. We made up a system: every time you cut Plasma Whore with one of the cards you got three hundred chips. By the time the game was done Plasma Whore had enough blood to keep a kitten alive. Good times. (;

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We can't read Big Brother's poker face D:


This isn't a pokergame. Otherwise, you could tap the cameras in the room and take secret pictures of his hand(metaphor). This, is a courtroom. And I posted the results of a DNA test. He DID murder John F. Kennedy, and he IS Davok.


I have obtained proof of his Davokness. Not only that, he knows it. We just post like normal, and he will "supposedly remember everything" after postin here for a little while.


In the mean time, I will continue to burn him with evidence about his identity as "Davok".


Unless, Davok gave his friend or sibling his account, and changed his name.


Is that true, Big Brother?

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Well' date=' im suprised that it was that good for being a DS game.





Whoever makes a follow-up post that sparks a big pointless argument over which is superior is going to be castrated.


Even if you are female.


We will find a way.


If you look up the definition of castrate, you will see how you can accomplish that.

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