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Organization XIII

Phantom Roxas

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I demand to see this piece of evidence of my client seeing these girls, perhaps he did not look up to his study? How do we know what you're saying isn't a complete lie? How do we know you haven't just planted the strippers in there soon before he walked in, where were you at the time of my client's arrival? I haven't seen you, what is your alibi, sir Revolver?


And where are the strippers now, hmm? Can they testify to being at the scene of the crime at the time it happened, I'd very much like to speak to one of them about this.


And we have another witness, Zexaeon himself. If Zexaeon himself wasn't aware of seeing the girls, how can you be so sure yourself? Even with the video tapes, there is always the possibility that he did avert his gaze before seeing the strippers in question.


I call to the stands, Zexaeon!

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*Presents video tapes that reveal virgins in the study and Zex's eyes shifting so that it's in his field of view and that his eyes were at an upward angle towards the study window. These have timestamps to prove when they were taken*


*Presents brain pattern scan from Nexev's sentry drones revealing it registering in the back of Zex's brain for approximately half a second*


*Presents Xirno's Attorney's Badge. Biomatter analysis shows it's made up of 98% cardboard*


*Present's movie ticket stub proving I was at the movie theater*


*Present's Warp Drive residue from study, along with carbon dating analysis proving I warped the virgins in there before Zex arrived*


*Presents text message records of my phone, showing that Zeo notified me of the predicament and that I promptly warped the virgins in there*

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By all means' date=' Zeo.


Also, I'm slashing the budgets for all departments, effective immediately, and routing all the surplus to the... ahem, Organization's Personal Vault. That I am not embezzling.



Knock yourself out. I didn't even know I had a budget.


I got all my funds from my private buisness ventures.


@Akira: Did I forget to mention anyone who touches me turns into a ten year old girl. I chekoved this against Shadow Zero before (who hasn't even noticed).


Anyway onto the trial:





It has been already recorded that the warp drive kills anyone who goes through it and makes an exact copy.


As such every one of these girls have never been laid even if they have the memory of doing so.


Objection Sustained. Court Dismissed.



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Xirno, you may have ONE. And one for desert.


Also, Amethyst, just to make sure you don't get any more ideas, I'm going to go ahead and add this.


It was an illusion. Go look at your tapes again. I've returned them to normal. Yup. Illusions. Because that's how I roll.

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Yes, Zex plants evidence against himself just so we can waste his time.


Because Zex is busy being Zex and not...


Stupid vocabulary editing software. DX


@Akira: Oh certainly just let me get out my tattoo case.


Your the strongest in my heart,

Nexev-3 The invisible Fonzie.

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Oh you people, being odd and what not. Shockingly, there hasn't been a post in, what, around an hour? Anyways, my second Final Fantasy VIII game. Can't decide what characters to have as my main party. I don't really want to use Selphie, I'm not sure why. I did for my first file, as well as Zell. I've never gotten The End =/. So I'm not too sure if it's all that reliable, assuming that it's rare to get in Slots. I'm not too speedy quick, so I'm not too great at Zell's Limit Break either. Help?


EDIT: I just dug out my FFVIII, if you were wondering as to why it's only my second game.

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The third person doesn't really matter too much. But you'll definitely want Squall and Quistis for sure.


Squall has Renzofuckingkuken. And Quistis has the most effective method of leveling up in the game, so there's no sense not having her. (Use Degenerator on enemies on the islands closest to Heaven/Hell.)


Although I think Irvine can be pretty good if you have the right ammo.



However, if you can get every character to level 100, feel free to replace Quistis with someone else. Some of her blue magic can be pretty good though, she was actually able to deal fairly decent damage when I was fighting Omega Weapon.

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