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Organization XIII

Phantom Roxas

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Anyway BB did you follow my idea for making robot solders out of the navigator?


And get me stranded on planetside with nothing much an army of robots and some engineers.


No' date=' methinks I'll go sell most of my gauss rifles since I don't need them for so small a force. And probably hire mercenaries and buy a small cargo ship out of the Gauss Rifle money. Then I can start trading and make some real moolah.



Hellooo your conquering a planet.


Have your engeineers build ships from the loot.


@Chiyuri: Then Rubicante reincarnated as...




Gasp! The villians had phoenix downs.


Those sly bastards.

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Wait... Zex do you have friends?




I wanted it done yesterday.



...Which is what I would be saying if you didn't promise it 1-2 weeks ago


....Which is what I would be saying if you didn't put it back for TWO MONTHS!

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We are on the internet. We don't have IRL friends. Our friends come from the interwebz.

Jk. Most of you probably have IRL friends. And if not' date=' you should, because you are all likeable.[/color']


The sad thing is, I don't have any IRL friends.


Go me.

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Jk. Most of you probably have IRL friends. And if not' date=' you should, because you are all likeable.



I've never had IRL friends.


You are an awesome person. How you don't is beyond me, because even if you are lazy, it can be easy for you. Especially you.

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Anyway BB did you follow my idea for making robot solders out of the navigator?


And get me stranded on planetside with nothing much an army of robots and some engineers.


No' date=' methinks I'll go sell most of my gauss rifles since I don't need them for so small a force. And probably hire mercenaries and buy a small cargo ship out of the Gauss Rifle money. Then I can start trading and make some real moolah.



Hellooo your conquering a planet.


Have your engeineers build ships from the loot.


No I'm not. That's a stupid idea anyway.

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Jk. Most of you probably have IRL friends. And if not' date=' you should, because you are all likeable.



I've never had IRL friends.


You are an awesome person. How you don't is beyond me, because even if you are lazy, it can be easy for you. Especially you.


Oh trust me, it's damn near impossible for me. It's almost physically impossible for me to talk to people outside of the internet.


Wait a minute.



Didn't your copy your former persona on a friend of yours?


I DID copy someone on here for the first 6 months or so of my time on YCM.


Since then I stopped caring and starting being my bitchy self.

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My only close IRL friends are all away at school.


And Nex, when was my last update? January? February? I put off writing the enxt chaoter after that because, yes, while I COULD have been writing it, you must understand that I HAD A NEW EFFING COMPUTER.


Do you know how many projects I've started and had to put on hold due to lack of one? When I got my computer, I wrote a new YCManga chapter, hoping to make you guys happy, and then began focusing my attention on just a few of several other projects.


Just because I COULD have written it doesn't mean I didn't have a good reason not to.


And then, go figure, I got a damn Blue Screen. I was not exaclty expecting that to happen, you know, though it really didn't surprise me.


So please, Nex, just be patient with me. You know I plan on making good on your little prize, so just be patient. And for the record, I was significantly distracted the other day, aside from Writer's Block - I hadn't talked to Chiyuri in months before Thursday, and wanted to catch up.

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People that are IRL are crueler than Lar can be sometimes @_@ Other times' date=' they are nice ^-^



As one reaps the fields, they must also pick their crops through the bad plants and weeds. When you have finished reaping your wheat, you shall have a mighty bread loaf that day.

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Oh I was talking about this pm saying this:



So I was only talking about last week you know the week when you promised you'd make it.


Other than that I understand, I can't work UNLESS under pressure.


Not extremly pressure but people reminding me it exists.


Probably why I feel like have to bug people.

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Also, an added note, Nex.


You really shouldn't be complaining about my update speed. If you read Fanficiton often (GOOD fanfiction), let alone original fiction, you tend to notice that, in general, updates take a long time.


You can't just force this crap out, you know. You gotta have inspiration. You can't just walk up to an artist, hand him some paint, and say "Here, make me a masterpiece."


While I don't consider myself an artist of the pen, the comparison is the same.


You should actually count yourself lucky; most FF writers I've followed in the past have taken much longer than just two or so months to update something.


And as a last note, the bottom line is that I'm writing YCManga for my own enjoyment, as well as the enjoyment of my readers. Making demands like you're entitled my writing is a bit pretentious of you.


Promised prize aside, anyhow.

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