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Organization XIII

Phantom Roxas

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That's not a REAL Square Poke mix. We're already making Orgymon.


Also, technically this isn't a Pokemon club, but sometimes it might as well be, seeing as how we all seem to love it and talk about often. We've talked about it many, many times since this club started.


And most of us already knew the VA people behind Dissidia, but yeah, guess some people still need some learnin'.


Firion and Cecil are no surprise though - seriously, Johnny Young and Yuri Lowenthal are like, everywhere. Everywhere. But Chaos has the most epic voice in Dissidia. Hands down. Golbez is a close second.

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I didn't mind Bartz voice at all. =/ He sounded exactly like I expected him to. It was his attitude that was screwed up.


The only voices I disliked wer Cloud's and sometimes Ultimecia and Terra's. Steve Burton has been doing his "I... am... an ... emo..." routine for far too long, and Terra occasionally sounded...fake. Ultimecia just sounded like she wasn't putting effort into her lines half the time.

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Ultimecia just sounded like she wasn't putting effort into her lines half the time.


I dunno, Ultimecia seems kinda like the type of person who wouldn't show much emotion and wouldn't really care.


So I thought her VA was pretty good in that sense.

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