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Organization XIII

Phantom Roxas

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Just to clarify' date=' everyone did see the rest of my post right?


I realized I accidently posted just the cracker part, so I tried to edit it in FASTER LIKE THE SPEED OF SOUND.



Why does that make me think of the color blue...


Anyone who wasn't warned 3 times I believe...(I think they should be PM warnings, since posting in the thread would be a waste of time, and is a discussion between the Warner and the Warned.) should not have been kicked. Unless it was severe, repetitive, blatantly diliberate(sp?) offenses.


Also, I have a question. Where did the "No speaking in Al Bhed rule come from?"


Al Bhed is an entire fleshed out language from FFX.


Somebody made a translator, and there was period where it was used a bit too much and got on the non-al bhed fluent's nerves.


It also just got old after awhile.




That's quite interesting. I'm so tempted to use it, but I won't.


Also, discuss different types of Moogles, and how cool they would look in different costumes. Such as:


Heartless Moogle


Dusk Moogle


Unverse Moogle


Ummmm....Chocobo Moogle? Imagine how these would all look.

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FAiry tail is win.


It is.


Natsu is win.


He is' date=' but I'm tired of him fighting all the time.[/b']


Zexeaon's reverse nobody powers were based of Freed Justice.


He casts enchantments that must be followed. I don't recall Noixez doing something like that.


Natsu is either over 80 years old or a stone statute.


Either he really is over 80, or eating Aetherion somehow counts. I think it's because he and Gazille are Dragon Slayers.


Tarus the pervert is funny.


Loki says hands off.


I wish I was a celestial mage.


Why is it that both Rydia and Lucy use whips, anyway?


How fr into the manga are you Roxas, I'm caught up.


Oracion Seis arc. I absolutely hate Hoteye.

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Are you getting a job this summer?


I want to get one as of December, because my mother won't allow me to get a job until I'm 18 (which I will be Saturday, December 5th). So I'll have the game before then, working at Gamestop. I'm more than sure they'll hire me.

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