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Organization XIII

Phantom Roxas

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The one with the semendrenched girl and my current one I came across while reading. Cause I pick gawd mangas.


Semen? I thought she was crying.


Rox's is typically an adolescent male character in a medium of his current liking. I can't remember too many other examples' date=' but Roxas and Hope are two prime ones, and I think there were a couple other anime ones. Although he did have a Golbez theme going on for a while.[/quote']


Don't forget DIVINE-SAMA.


Fire - Blaziken

Fighting - Gallade

Rock - Tyranitar

Ground - Mamoswine

Electric - Electivire

Grass - Roserade

Poison - Gengar

Bug - Scizor

Water - Empoleon

Ice - Glaceon

Psychic - Metagross

Dark - Umbreon

Ghost - Dusknoir

Normal - Dunsparce

Flying - Noctowl

Dragon - Flygon

Steel - Lucario

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Heh, you, myself, and Lar all have some common selections between us. All three of us have Tyranitar, Flygon, and Umbreon somewhere on our list, and several more Pokemon are shared between 2 of the 3 of us.


Therefore, the leaders have excellent taste.

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Fire - Magmorter

Fighting - Lucario

Rock - Rampardos

Ground - Rhyperior

Electric - Ampharos

Grass - Roserade

Poison - Drapion

Bug - Vespiquen

Water - Empoleon

Ice - Lapras

Psychic - Gardevoir

Dark - Tyranitar

Ghost - Gengar

Normal - Exploud

Flying - Crobat

Dragon - Dragonite

Steel - Steelix

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Dark - Houndoom

Ice - Lapras

Psychic - Alakazam

Ghost - Haunter

Fighting - Lucario

Normal - Dunsparce

Flying - Pidgeot

Dragon - Dragonite

Rock - Kabutops

Grass - Ivysaur

Fire - Charizard

Water - Psyduck

Electric - Luxray

Bug - Scyther

Poison - Roserade

Steel - Scizor

Ground - Sandslash


There you go.


I don't know if there is a certain trend in my avatars, I've had Alucard, Satori, Kyon and something else I don't remember. =/


EDIT: And now Gin. <3

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Fire - Quilava

Fighting - Blaziken

Rock - Tyranitar

Ground - Sandslash

Electric - Pachirisu

Grass - Grovyle

Poison - Haunter

Bug - Scizor

Water - Golduck

Ice - Articuno

Psychic - Gallade

Dark - Sneasel

Ghost - Froslass

Normal - Zangoose

Flying - Scyther

Dragon - Giratina

Steel - Lucario

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Dark - Houndoom

Ice - Weavile

Psychic - Gardevoir or Gallade

Ghost - Gengar

Fighting - Lucario

Normal - Porygon Z

Flying - Staraptor

Dragon - Flygon

Rock - Aggron

Grass - Sceptile or Breloom

Fire - Blaziken

Water - Crawdaunt

Electric - Raichu

Bug - Yanmega

Poison - Toxicroak

Steel - Jirachi

Ground - Nidoking


Ulqui FTW

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[spoiler=My Preferred Mons Team]

Dark - ExoShade (D: OHNOBUTITSOVERPOWEREDOVERUSED BB HOW COULD YOU. Quiet you, Beelzebub Paths are badass. D<)

Ice - Lament

Psychic - Hurricane

Ghost - The King of Shame

Fighting - Amon

Normal - Mokow <3

Flying - Majesty

Dragon - Majesty pretty much. :3

Rock - Marble Golem, I guess.


Fire - Reaper

Water - Naga Lord

Electric - Voltron

Bug - Beelzebub <3

Poison - Ladon

Steel - Tech Priest

Ground - The King of Shame



For an un-dual type for Ghost, I could switch it out for the Invisible Man. <3

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@Xirno: Oh snap, I forgot. Yes, that counts~


@People picking Dunsparce: xD Do you really like him? Or are you just trying to please those of us who think he's the coolest evar?


@Darklink: You picked Froslass twice.




@Infinitus: I have something better than his head. I have his funking Pikachu. That's right. I caught Red's Pikachu. Using my AR. It is now mine.

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[spoiler=My Preferred Mons Team]

Dark - ExoShade (D: OHNOBUTITSOVERPOWEREDOVERUSED BB HOW COULD YOU. Quiet you' date=' Beelzebub Paths are badass. D

Ice - Lament

Psychic - Hurricane

Ghost - The King of Shame

Fighting - Amon

Normal - Mokow

Flying - Majesty

Dragon - Majesty pretty much. :3

Rock - Marble Golem, I guess.


Fire - Reaper

Water - Naga Lord

Electric - Voltron

Bug - Beelzebub

Poison - Ladon

Steel - Tech Priest

Ground - The King of Shame



For an un-dual type for Ghost, I could switch it out for the Invisible Man.



This is my favorite list.

No one can beat it. BB wins.

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@Xirno: Oh snap' date=' I forgot. Yes, that counts~


@People picking Dunsparce: xD Do you really like him? Or are you just trying to please those of us who think he's the coolest evar?


@Darklink: You picked Froslass twice.




@Infinitus: I have something better than his head. I have his f***ing Pikachu. That's right. I caught Red's Pikachu. Using my AR. It is now mine.



You could sell that to Team Rocket for some good dough.


Unfortunately, I held Red up for ransom to his mother after I beat him (Which, BTW, happened to go over my ransom with fundraisers and donations from Red's fans.), and I got more dough than what Team Rocket would pay for his Pikachu.


So yeah. D<

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I don't care about money. I took his Pikachu to steal his PRIDE.


That's more valuable than any currency.


Provided Red exists. You can digitally remove a sprite's head, and hack a game for infinite money, but I doubt you can take a sprite/drawing's pride.

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@Xirno: Oh snap' date=' I forgot. Yes, that counts~


@People picking Dunsparce: xD Do you really like him? Or are you just trying to please those of us who think he's the coolest evar?


@Darklink: You picked Froslass twice.




@Infinitus: I have something better than his head. I have his f***ing Pikachu. That's right. I caught Red's Pikachu. Using my AR. It is now mine.



I spent 48 hours in the cave on Silver looking Dunsparce. I really like Dunsparce.

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