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Organization XIII

Phantom Roxas

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Like to think that? No. I'd like to think I keep a job. That it pays well. Theat I actually do some good.


I don't like not having a job' date=' but skimpiness is worse.



Yeah, um..... here's the thing about the Org.


You. Can't. Quit.


You have to finish the amount of alotted work years on your contract before you can quit.


EDIT: Also, BB, I just noticed something. Each and every one of your roommates stands for an aspect of your mind:


Demyx - Your childhood innocence, often looked apon as something to ignore and just fool around with, but nothing to really pay any serious attention to, because you are passed that phase, and now you reminisce on the days of old about your younger, innocent years.


Davok - Your pure, concentrated, evil thoughts. Everything about this person is cold and heartless, and wants nothing more than pure power, dominance, and destruction. Something that you often pay attention to, because if you don't it could get out of hand and be a potential threat.


Big Brother - Even his name represents what he is. He is what you want to be. He is a badass, explosive and weaponry master that wants nothing more than to kick ass. He is what you dream of, something you wish to become, something you look up to. You let this roommate shine through a few times, so that you can give as much spotlight to that aspect as possible, so that people perceive you as something like this aspect.


Theta - Simple. Your sex drive. You don't use it much, because this is something to be kept in check, and make sure it doesn't run rampant. Everything sexual goes under this aspects category.


Host - You. The person who needs to keep the peace, and make everything in perfect balance and in check. You, the person that keeps your roommates in check and in line.


These roommates, are people you need to better yourself.


Get your psychological bullshit out of my internets, NAO!







...not you, Nao.

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Just found this on Tvtropes:


Players enter dungeon. Too convoluted. Game is s** t.

Players enter dungeon. Too simple. Game is s** t.


Players get to in put in commands over and over for the party. Game is redundant.

Players get to put in commands over and over for the party leader, and then change each member's role in battle. Game is overly simplified.


Players grind to get more skills. Game is tedious.

Players progress through the game without a hitch. Game is too easy.


Players get complex equipment system. Game is confusing.

Players get simple equipment system. Game is dumbed-down.


Players get simple, straightforward story. Game is linear.

Players get branching story. Game is lolWTF.


Players assume the role of an effeminate character. Game is g* y.

Players assume the role of a masculine character. Game is for f*** ts.


Players get a dramatic story. Game is emo.

Players get a non-dramatic one. Game is as cold as rock.


Players get lots of missions and sidequests and mini-games. Game takes a lot of work.

Players get few mission and sidequests and mini-games. Game needs much more.


Players get fanfare music played after every battle for ten straight installments. Game gets rage.

Players get new fanfare music. Game gets more rage.



This is regarding the fanbase of Final Fantasy.

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Sorry I wasn't on, I've been watching Desperation and playing Majora's Mask all day~


Only beat the first level, and I've already gotten the biggest bomb bag and the largest quiver, as well as over 20 Heart Pieces and a good portion of the masks. And I'm about halfway done with the Bomber's Notebook I think.


I don't care about that. D<


I just wanna be like you and Lar. D:


You can't be like me. Tak!


Some other realistic Request


Dibs on your virginity. Don't care that you've prolly lost it' date=' I'm gonna rape you so hard it'll be like losing it 10 times over~


Lar did way better on LoZ than I ever have! And always says awesome things!


Yeah, I know you all love me~


1. Nobody would care to do it. Or at least' date=' there isn't anyone in particular that I think would win it.


2. Lar just has to do what she normally does on a daily/weekly basis. Hell, she can post about 1/4 of the convos she had on YCM outside of the Org and she [i']wins[/i].


3. From what I understand, Lar spends the most time with you on MSN.


So, yeah, Lar doesn't have to even particularly try to win.


I have already won.


Larxene. She's not in it for you' date=' she's in it for the sex. She is for the desperataly lonely and she caters for all sexes; for only 11.95 she'll take your breath away in 5 seconds guaranteed. You may notice you're pissing blood after the sex, but that's COMPLETELY normal.



I may be desperate, but I got standards betch.

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I'm pissed off.


Battling Seymour in FFX, and haven't played in forever, and I mean forever. So, I kill his lackies by stealing his potions, take down Anima with my Shiva (I think), Lightning Horsy Thing, and Ifrit, and I get Seymour down to seriously low health.


Then, he decides to defy the laws of the game and IGNORE MY NUL SPELLS. He kills Tidus AND YUNA, Auron uses Pheonix Down, and kills Auron and Yuna.


Seymour was at like, 1800 health. So close. 3 attacks away, probably. Three. Attacks. Away.


I knew I should've used my Dragon summon thing. D<

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You must be underleveled' date=' Shiva is usually strong enough to completely destroy Anima almost effortlessly.



Yeah, I probably am. Though, she did do most of the damage. Quite a bit of it, I might add. He was probably at 10,000 by the time it she died.

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@Amethyst: =P I saw that a while ago, and it's so sadly true.




Nex made the best (and only) Motivational Poster. 30 Points. Xirno made the most sound rebuttal to a fial post. 15 Points. No one got the secret word.


Lar was epic in her first post all day. 30 Bonus points. 'TIS A DRAW. You must settle this. Find me secret word. It's something I've said today, online, in some thread.


@FFX: Shiva should be able to kill Anima on her own. If she kills Shiva, though, her health SHOULD at least be low enough for your characters to finish her off. Also, for handling Seymour, I highly advice using an Aeon cushion near the end of the battle for when he pulls his bullshit.

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Nope. Very simple grading scale.


1) Good = 15 Points, Very Good = 30 Points


2) (The Rebuttal) Good = 15 Points, Very Good = 30 Points


3) (Secret Word) Find = 40 Points


4) Bonus Epic Points awarded in increments of 15, 30, 45, or 60, depending on how epic it was.


So you did legitimately tie. and there is a secret word.

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@Amethyst: =P I saw that a while ago' date=' and it's so sadly true.




Nex made the best (and only) Motivational Poster. 30 Points. Xirno made the most sound rebuttal to a fial post. 15 Points. No one got the secret word.


Lar was epic in her first post all day. 30 Bonus points. 'TIS A DRAW. You must settle this. Find me secret word. It's something I've said today, online, in some thread.


@FFX: Shiva should be able to kill Anima on her own. If she kills Shiva, though, her health SHOULD at least be low enough for your characters to finish her off. Also, for handling Seymour, I highly advice using an Aeon cushion near the end of the battle for when he pulls his bullshit.



Anima's a she?


Also, I'm underleveled, so I had to use my Shiva, Thunder Horse, and Ifrit to kill Anima. Used my crappy dragon thing a little later, and he did nothing but Sonic Wings, which did help a little.


I sort of just repeated the same thing I did before Anima and killed him, luckily. That double spell thing is bull though. I had to use a few Pheonix downs, but yeah.


Anyway, I beat him before you gave me advice, but thanks anyway. Now I got my ass kicked by a Guado in the Al Bhed home city. I'm ashamed of myself. My characters were low on HP after going through the desert, and even with Auron the Guado pulled some confusion bull on LuLu, and I kept using remedies, and I never got to use her Overdrive.


I also remembered after playing the game after such a long time, that

[spoiler=Something you guys should already know, but just in case....]

Sin is Tidus' dad. Hell, I don't even think this counts as a spoiler, because you found this out mid-game, or even early game, if I recall.


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@Lar: You didn't win because you didn't even try to. xD You still got 30 points without trying though, so that's something.


@Inf: Yes, Anima is a she. So is Valefor, your "dragon thing". And for the record, Valefor is very good if you train her properly. And the Thunder Horse is called Ixion. And yes, just about everyone knows that about Jecht by now - but to be technical, he's not quite Sin himself as much as he is a host for it.


@Nex: Wow, I feel like I'm getting off easy.

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I would like to join if it's possible.Here's my Application Form:


Name (The name you would like to be called in this club):LIGHT Master X

Species (Heartless/Nobody?):Nobody

Square-Enix games you've played/own: Well i have played a little of Dissidia: Final Fantasy and a little of Hitman.

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Pfft. I had a motivational poster I made of Mai's boobs for YGOTAS, but I was too lazy to go find it.




It was on my laptop, which I can no longer use right now. Otherwise I would've already posted it.

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