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Organization XIII

Phantom Roxas

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Quiet Skuldur, you haven't obeyed me and Marv's wishes on Pikachu CLub yet. DX



Anyway Zex I really don't think chapter 104 is available online.


But good luck with that.


AFTER you finish the next chapter.


You've had months, it's your own fault for not doing it sooner.

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Torrents are your friends, friends~


I know 104+ isn't online in streaming form. You need to find and download them.


Also, I find it dumb that they aren't online anyway - I mean, Bleach and other such manga are published regularly in English, and yet they still exist online. Why should Pokespe be any different?


EDIT: Hot damn, Nex, I love you for finding that. Now I don't have to download torrents. xD


@Zeo : *throws a wrench at you* There. You're finsihed. You are now a finished robot~

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I don't care about that. D<


I just wanna be like you and Lar. D:


I find that pathetic. >.>


You should.

Because I am. ;D




Now would you like some syrup with your waffles? =3


@Nex: I can't do anything, Pikachu has absolute power when it comes to those kinds of things. D:

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And now, ladies and gentleman, it is time for the Zextravaganza.


A little thing I have decided to start doing. Every now and then (read: when I feel like it), I shall throw a miniature, in-thread party for a particular member I feel deserves it. I will then honor this member by not harvesting their organs for crack money.


Oh and they get to name a prize, anything within my power.


Things within Zex's Power Include:


One reasonable favor (like an "I owe ya one!", to be used in Club affairs)

One humorous picture (Zex can drawz teh chibiz of a lot of characters, and will hopefully make you laugh with one)

One Favor de Fiction (Nex will go bananas for this; you get to request writing favors from yours truly (this can be based around YCManga, or soemthing completely different, should you so choose))

A Sexy Zexy Slave (Yup, I'll be your in-thread slave for a whooooole day. Whatever that's worth)

Some other realistic Request


Why am I doing this? I feel like it, that's why. Don't touch that dial!

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And we're back!


So, you may be wondering, "Well Zex, my intelligent, awesome, and sexually attractive friend, how do you decide who deserves it?"


That's a good question, you question-asker with good taste! I simply keep an eye on you all for a while and decide who I think has been reasonably epic as of late.


The candidates for today's Zextravaganza are.....




Nexev! Xirno! And Larxene!


Nexy has recently said many loltastic things, cooked up amazing ideas, and even found an online link for Pokespe as of most recently!


Xirno has recognized the tragic awesome of Green/Blue, has excellent taste in many things, and played Jaw Dolls with me!


Lar did way better on LoZ than I ever have! And always says awesome things!


You three shall be COMPETING in the ZEXY DOME this evening.

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Stay tuned for some exciting commercials.


*plays a catchy tune*


Do you need some excitement in your life? Are the victims of your experiments not interesting enough?


Then get some of Skuldur's patented Cru-ade! It's guaranteed to make your life so much eviler.


Call now and you get 3 bottles for the price of 2!


Only $9.99!

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