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Organization XIII

Phantom Roxas

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Dx Nex, stop PM-harassing me. I'm a very busy man! Being a washed up, wannabe-pro, self-important, stuck-up, lazy, self-proclaimed genius uses up a lot of my effort! Also, I'm good-looking (tack that bit on the Stuck-up portion)!


Therefore I CLEARLY have very LITTLE time to write YCManga. Oh yeah, and my PC is BSOD'd, so I have to get that fixed.


Also, I'm like...really into Pokemon lately. I've been reading the manga (which is like, >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> over the anime), playing the games (A LOT YEAH), and have been getting really into the characters, as well as fan-related works (GARY MOTHERFUCKING OAK).


I wonder if I have a disease.

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8O Zexy seems so troubled~


Whaaaahaaa... Queenie hates her job. )= Make it go away. I'm sick of being Ghetto Queen. Dx BEING THE MOST FAB PERSON IN THE GET-TOE MEANS NOTHING IF THE SECOND MOST FAB PERSON HAS BULLET WOUNDS!


Okay, not really, but I'm just jabroniing here~<3


=O Oh! So I was drinking some soda today, and felt like I had to burp, but it never happened! My stomach ached all day~ D= Don't you hate it when that happens?


What else, what else.....~


Oh right! Phoenix Transvestwright.... well, Revolver-kun, I must see. This pleases Queen. It also pleases GaGa. xD Way to make me laugh, seriously~


*Looks at Roxylox's siggi thingymajig* Ooh! New fights~! *scampers off*

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Pokemon Special, called Pokemon Adevntures in English (but still widely known as Pokemon Special, or Pokespe), covers each of the generation games. The first chapter is RGB, the next is the Yellow Chapter, then GSC, then RS, then Emerald, then FRLG, then DP, then Platinum.


And yes, Rox, it is miles better than the anime - the anime is only loosely based on the games. The manga is actually a full adaptation of the games. Satoshi Tajiri, series creator, said that the manga illustrates the world of Pokemon he tried to convey, and some other guy (I forget who) said that any fan of the games should read it.


It's also a lot darker than the anime. People actually die - that alone says something the anime never does. xD


Plus, it contains Red, Green/Blue, Gold, and Silver. Awesomesauce.

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Zex is thinking of Tsunekaz Ishihara, the president of the pokemon company and producer of:

* Pokémon Red and Blue Versions

* Pokémon Yellow Version

* Pokémon Gold and Silver Versions

* Pokémon Crystal Version

* Pokémon Trading Card Game (the video game)

* Pokémon Snap

* Pokémon Stadium


And exectutive producer of:

* Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire Versions

* Pokémon Colosseum

* Pokémon Emerald Version

* Pokémon XD: Gale of Darkness

* Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen Versions

* Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Red Rescue Team and Blue Rescue Team

* Pokémon Ranger

* Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time and Explorers of Darkness

* Pokémon Ranger: Shadows of Almia

* Pokémon Trozei!

* Pokémon TV series

* Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Team Go-Getters out of the Gate!



In case you didn't notice that's allot of pokemon games.



More importantly you said in YCManga that:

Don't worry' date=' I haven't abandoned this again. xD I'll probably write the next chapter this weekend.





But don't worry Zexaeon, I, in my great compassion, have already read the pokemanga. It gets cut off online because Viz planned on making it. If Viz stopped I'd ask them if they would regive Dragonguard permission but whatever.


BUT you don't need to worry about reading it, I read it for you. NOW BACK TO WORK!


Also remember my rendition of Days (where I wrote my version)? I plan to give Bleach the same treatment.


I call them nexdits (other name options available).

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