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Organization XIII

Phantom Roxas

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Bongo Bongo was the boss of the Shadow Temple' date= not the Well itself. [/b]And The Well creeped me out, too. When I was little, Gohma also creeped me out, like Infinitus, but that didn't stop me from going to beat her.


Besides, it's easier to not be afraid of her when you think of those things under her arms as Giant Deoderant Crystals. Because then you can laugh at her and say "Ha ha! Gohma has BO!"


I know that.


I just thought of him all of the sudden and he was a silly boss.


He's cool. He's real cool.


Him, Morphia, and Dodongo.

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People complain about things for the sake of complaining. Like people complaining that FFXIII is too damn linear in spite of the fact that people complained about previous games not being linear enough. As always with fandom' date=' the bigger the dumber.



I think the dumbassery of FFXIII haters can be summed up in one quote:



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Hey' date=' I liked towns.


I like sub-missions.


They should have had those fairly early.


More importantly, you should have unlocked battle team at the start.



Nex, Battle Team at the start wouldn't have made sense.


I'm glad that they made a plot that doesn't involve you controlling the entire gaggle of characters in the same place as they tack the last few on early in the game.


It was nice to see them split up.



Unless you mean just choosing your leader from the characters available at the time. That would've been nice. But I ended up liking every character and playing as them when I was forced into using them. I think it's Square's way of forcing people to attempt to like and play as characters other than Lightning XD

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@Nex: Already played MM. Great game.


@XIII: I liked it fine the way it was. But if I was to change anything, I would have liked Leader-switching (not because of disliking a specific character, but because of specific techniques that you can't use if the character isn't the elader). Towns would have been nice, but they aren't necessary for XIII, and wouldn't make a great deal of sense when you think about it.


@Murder Mystery: =D I should make another one of those and NOT abandon it.


@Phoenix: I already 5-Starred most of them.


@Lar: Yeah, sailing DID get a little annoying. But it was kinda fun sometimes. Plus, warping around later made it way more bearable.


@Rox: I think it was generous enough that you could retry battles, so allowing for a leader change in the event of a KO would be pushing it a little.

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Hey' date=' I liked towns.


I like sub-missions.


They should have had those fairly early.


More importantly, you should have unlocked battle team at the start.



Nex, Battle Team at the start wouldn't have made sense.


I'm glad that they made a plot that doesn't involve you controlling the entire gaggle of characters in the same place as they tack the last few on early in the game.


It was nice to see them split up.



Unless you mean just choosing your leader from the characters available at the time. That would've been nice. But I ended up liking every character and playing as them when I was forced into using them. I think it's Square's way of forcing people to attempt to like and play as characters other than Lightning XD


However why the hell did tey decide to tell you Snow was in your party without, (I don't know) ever letting you use him?


It's like, yeah he's on your side. That's all you need to know.


I mean, why fight and risk your life when you can stand off screen?


That's just as good right?


Sometimes you can use him but most of the time he's just the 4th character in the party. I mean, why bother?

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I love how everyone who votes in those things thinks it's an actual battle between the characters.


I see why Xirny is annoyed by this.


If it was a battle I wouldn't have seen a Yugioh person versus a Bleach shinigami captain

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