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Phantom Roxas

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I think it's been over a month' date=' so let's try again.


Name: If it's ok with Voyer, Xion. If not, Xion27.

Species: I prefer heartless.

Square-Enix games you've played/own: I own Final Fantasy 1 & 2: Dawn of Souls, Final Fantasy 8, played Final Fantasy 10/2 and Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories, own Kingdom Hearts 1, 2, and Re: Chain of Memories, and that's all I can think of right now.


Why I want to join: Because I want to have somewhere other than Last Duel Duel Club to talk to people. Also because I like Kingdom Hearts a lot.



To make a fair choice and do the same that Larxene did, I looked through your posts. Your grammar isn't up to my particular code, plus, the fact that you spelled my name wrong, I can finally use this:




@Black: You're an asshole, I hope you die a slow and painful death, so you have to endure the exact same torture that Raticate and Blue went through >=[


@Infinitus: There's less proof that Raticate was released then for him to have died. Why would he release just one Pokemon? Why not his others? He was also the only Pokemon to ever be lost in a rival, so why Raticate?


And I knew it was a reference, but still.


He was a perfectly fine man, though a little cocky, his quotes see that he got a lot more depressed AFTER Lavendar Town; and he said "Have you ever had one of your Pokemon die?", why would he say that having not experienced it himself?


It doesn't matter which one has more evidence, it's about which one has more reliable evidence. Yours isn't reliable, it's all speculation, your putting together pieces that might not exist. Maybe he was so sick and tired of losing to red at that point, that he had the intention of killing Red's Pokemon. Or maybe, thinking about the graveyard made him think "Maybe, if Red ever had a Pokemon die, I can get him to lose his focus in battle by making him think about his deceased Pokemon."


After being beaten AGAIN by Red, I can't blame him for being depressed. It could've been because he lost, what, 3-5 times already? He was getting discouraged, that Red just keeps deflecting him like a tennis ball against a wall. Here's how it works: 1st you didn't know your enemy, 2nd time was a fluke, and the 3rd time is just unexplainable. For some reason, when something happens 3 times in a row, things begin sinking in. It just happens.

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Why do you always expect the worst of Blue? He wasn't a horrible person in the slightest, he never did anything to deserve any disrespect.


Releasing has no reliable evidence whatsoever, I don't see how you think it has anything. Did he say anything about releasing it? Well? No. He didn't. He never mentioned it. He never mentioned his Raticate after that point. He could've been to sad to bring up the topic once more if it had died, but if he released it, and was as big of a jackass as you seem to think he is, he would've bragged about it "Yeah, I released that weak Raticate. It was the reason I kept losing."


At least death has some evidence. Whether it is truthfully reliable or not is up for consideration. And what do you mean "Might not exist"? He lost in St. Anne, the next time you see him he was in a place of mourning, asking Red "Have you ever had a Pokemon die?", becoming a more serious and less innocent character. I'm pretty sure that part did exist, so I don't know what you're talking about there.

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Why do you always expect the worst of Blue? He wasn't a horrible person in the slightest' date=' he never did anything to deserve any disrespect.


Releasing has no reliable evidence whatsoever, I don't see how you think it has anything. Did he say anything about releasing it? Well? No. He didn't. He never mentioned it. He never mentioned his Raticate after that point. He could've been to sad to bring up the topic once more if it had died, but if he released it, and was as big of a jackass as you seem to think he is, he would've bragged about it "Yeah, I released that weak Raticate. It was the reason I kept losing."


At least death has [i']some[/i] evidence. Whether it is truthfully reliable or not is up for consideration. And what do you mean "Might not exist"? He lost in St. Anne, the next time you see him he was in a place of mourning, asking Red "Have you ever had a Pokemon die?", becoming a more serious and less innocent character. I'm pretty sure that part did exist, so I don't know what you're talking about there.


Not that. Besides, my main point is to deflect......


You know what, I concede. I know when I'm beat, and I'm not afraid to admit it. No wonder my position is sanitary maintanence around here. =(


Also, one more thing: Trust me when I say, you don't need to tell me how it feels to lose, to submit to, and to concede to the same person, over and over, always knowing you will forever be lower than them.

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Not that. Besides' date=' my main point is to deflect......


You know what, I concede. I know when I'm beat, and I'm not afraid to admit it. No wonder my position is sanitary maintanence around here. =(


Also, one more thing: Trust me when I say, you don't need to tell me how it feels to lose, to submit to, and to concede to the same person, over and over, always knowing you will forever be lower than them.



...Now I feel bad.



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Not that. Besides' date=' my main point is to deflect......


You know what, I concede. I know when I'm beat, and I'm not afraid to admit it. No wonder my position is sanitary maintanence around here. =(


Also, one more thing: Trust me when I say, you don't need to tell me how it feels to lose, to submit to, and to concede to the same person, over and over, always knowing you will forever be lower than them.



...Now I feel bad.




You have no reason to do so. =D


You have defended he who's general morality was in question, and I should be the type of person to support that he was a nice person. I wasn't intending to question his morality, but I did, unknowingly. Regardless of whether he existed or not.


Besides, I'm screwed up in the head a little, IMO. And no, I don't mean I have a giant screw through my skull.

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The Green/Blue mixup has a very simple explanation.


In Japan, Red and Green were the first versions to be released. Blue was added later, and then Yellow.


But in America, Red and Blue were the first to be released - The American Blue Version is the pretty much the same as the Japanese Green version. They just called it Blue version because they felt Red and Blue were better opposites.


Green never saw an English release.


As a result of this, Green was changed to Blue in English, and the character Blue (the girl) was changed to Green in English. Fortunately, Yellow had no such cnfusion.



Anyhow, as Pokemon is often spoken of with English localizations in mind, it is commonly the male character people refer to when speaking of Blue. So stop being such a name nazi and get over it, Mar.


@Morality: i dunno why anyone would think Blue had moral issues. He's just a jerk, and an awesome badass, that's all. Silver is the one with morality problems.


@Nex's Squirtle Topic: No. =D

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@Amethyst: But your closet has the fabric-softener enchantment. Dx


You can have the Deadpool glass instead.


Hang on a second' date=' let me call my friend Andrew.


I think it's been over a month, so let's try again.


Name: If it's ok with Voyer, Xion. If not, Xion27.

Species: I prefer heartless.

Square-Enix games you've played/own: I own Final Fantasy 1 & 2: Dawn of Souls, Final Fantasy 8, played Final Fantasy 10/2 and Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories, own Kingdom Hearts 1, 2, and Re: Chain of Memories, and that's all I can think of right now.


Why I want to join: Because I want to have somewhere other than Last Duel Duel Club to talk to people. Also because I like Kingdom Hearts a lot.


Eh, I abstain from approval.

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Lord... What is with me and this club? I'll try to post at least once/day... Change my name' date=' please, Rox? Also, I need to know the topic... I don't feel like reading back...



Asking that is against the rules, but the topic is discussing how sad the loss of Blue's Raticate was.


@Lina: Still, you must reapply, as you were removed for inactivity.

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Yes' date=' I'm a name Nazi for trying to be correct. Heck, NEXEV agreed with me! WE FIGHT ON EVERYTHING!


Also, who cares about Green's Raticate? He was a useless thing he got rid of/traded/murdered.


End. Of. Convo.



Wow, man. I've never thought anyone could be that much of a dick. I don't even think I have to explain yet again that you people don't know how it feels to lose a close friend such as Gary's Raticate. And he didn't murder it, Red did.


And Blue and Green are both correct, so shut up.

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Okies, I just read the rules again, so I shall now make my royal application~!


Name: Queen-Sama. :3 Her Majesty works too~

Species: Heartless~ I want one as a pet~

Square-Enix games you've played/own: Final Fantasy I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X, XII. D= I don't have XIII yet~ Or any Tactics games. Kingdom Hearts I, II, CoM (and the remake!), and Days~ Um....oh yeah, and Star Ocean 4. =o I also watched Advent Children, and played all the VII spinoffs. And X-2, too!


I wanna join because this is my favorite game company ever. =3 Plus, the rules make me believe that some smart, intelligent conversation happens here, so that's always nice! =P I may be a total fangirl person, but that doesn't mean I like stupid people!

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