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Organization XIII

Phantom Roxas

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You don't need to play XII to know of Balthier's epicness.


It's common knowledge.


I am an example of such a success story. Hell, I'm pretty sure that in the last 120 seconds alone I've read that his self proclaimed title is "The leading man".


So, guys, the topic I was going to create on my last post, which I forgot to put in, is a topic:


What was your favorite development of character by a video game character?

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Yeah' date=' never heard Balthier's name.



As for the topic...


Hmmm... Chester, from Tales of Phantasia, I suppose. Or one of the ToP characters.



Of course not, because you found out about him on the internet. No one is saying it, their typing it.


As for my own topic, I'd say Zack. I haven't finished FFX, and I haven't played in a while, so I can't remember how much he's developed as a person through his game, but I remember that Zack was a quick to start, extremely energetic and positive puppy. He then proceeded to go through some seriously wacky stuff, because realizing your mentor has become evil and meeting Sephiroth is pretty wacky.


Whenever you meet anyone like Sephiroth, it's pretty wacky. Then you have Genesis, who is just an annoying riddler who only knows a bunch of lines to one riddle, which is pretty blatantly obvious who the riddle is about. He finds a love interest, he finds people he wishes to protect, and I think he actually realized and learned a lot from his journey. I can't remember what exactly, but I believe that from finding people to protect, I think he learned that it's a little better to think a little before you act.


I can't remember what he learned, because I haven't played the game since I beat it, but he learned, and he evolved. I think. D=

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I command all of you to vote for Balthier in this contest.


@Xirno: You deserved getting Code Geass ruined for you for voting for Yusei' date=' b****. D<


@Zeonark: You're dead to me now.



Yusei is awesome stfu >:[


@Topic: Neku.

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sheet I doulbe posted.


Couldn't tell since they were hidden.


However, a man must be a man and never correct his mistakes.




I'm Nexev.




(I read the Gurren Laggan manga, surprised that Kamina dies so early)

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It's a tough call between Neku and Tidus.


Neku was an anti-social, hateful emo who became a good-natured, friendly emo.


He was still a cool emo both ways. He did emo right, not like those other emos that suck.


Tidus was a whiney, annoying idiot, who became a mature, considerate hero type. But he retained his good humored personality, which made him a refreshing change from most FF heroes.


He still cries a bit, but he doesn't suck for it now.


Zack had some pretty neat development, but I don't think he got as much as Neku or Tidus.


Hope also received quite a bit of development. Hmmm. Tough call there, too.

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