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Organization XIII

Phantom Roxas

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REally? I want to work for video games and have my own religion


1. that diregards ceremony' date='

2. believes god made us as a giant social experiment,

3. he is not all-knowing but is very smart and near all seeing,

4.Satan works directly under him as one of his loyalest subjects,

5. there is a hell but it's really a rehabilitation center were you are forced to face the truth of what you did was wrong after this you can go to heaven and endure the guilt for the rest of your life.

6. The thing that makes heaven great is that you can get food from anywhere and since people aren't jerks anymore. So while you don't get instant gratification you can still enjoy unlife immensely.

7. God won't interfere directly despite your prayers unless it's for certain things like it would prove beneficial to him as well

8. God doesn't care if people thinks he's something else, it's annoying but there choice not his.


I actually believe it, but given it's quiet nature it doesn't affect my life much.



Your religion makes me uncomfortable. I'm going to kill you in a giant sandbox now, kk?

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I demand a Llama that retires and becomes a Duck!


Here's a llama

There's a llama

and another little llama

fuzzy llama

funny llama

llama llama duck!


llama llama cheesecake llama

tablet brick potato llama

llama llama mushroom llama

llama llama duck!


I was once a treehouse.

I lived in a cake.

But I never saw the way

the orange slayed the rake.

I was only 3 years dead

but I told a tale.

And now listen little child

to the safety rail.


Did you ever see a llama?

Kiss a llama?

On the llama?

llama's llama tastes of llama

llama llama duck


half the llama

twice the llama

not a llama



llama in a car


llama duck!


Is this how it's told now?

Is it all so old?

Is it made of lemon juice?

Doorknob ankle cold

Now my song is getting thin

I've run out of luck.

Time for me to retire now, and become a duck!

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You let it fall to page TWO?


... How dare you.


I was the last person to post' date=' which makes me untouchable by the accusation.


Yayz. =D




I was at a friend's who had no Internet and held me hostage in his closet while feeding me nothing but Twinkies.


You weren't held hostage. You didn't want to leave. No one wants to leave a house with Twinkies. D<

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