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Organization XIII

Phantom Roxas

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Hmmm... maybe I should just watch one episode of SnS each day... how long is the anime series?


I read Fruits Basket' date=' and it was awesome.


Even though my friends teased me for reading a manga called "Fruits Basket".



Each season has 24 episodes, with 25 minutes per episode.


Same goes for season 2 exactly. Their are also many specials and things of the sort.


Currently Shakugan no Shana OVA S is airing, and right after that, we get Season 3.


Anything's a better title than Bleach.


Bleach is just... random...


To the max.


It's catchy.

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But Age of Empires II was my favorite startegy game evar. And still is. I love the fact that for lolz, you can put in cheats that hive giant flying purple hippos, spacemen with nukes, spacemen with lazers and in age of mythology, they had Giant flying bears with Canadian flag capes who shot lasers out of their eyes and regenerated too fast for anyone to take out without using up a god move.


Good times, good times.


Ok, technically I like the whole series but refuse to acknowledge III, as I hated it. And the purple hippo was from mythology too, and blew giant heart bombs that did four times as much damage against structures, invade you want to sabotage a city's growth.

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It was heart fire breath, not bombs.


Still the game was great, it allowed me to spell titanomachy correctly by instinct.


Plus I love how different the civilizations were. In empires you get some minor differences and such but about as much as you get from choosing different gods.


Which civ you choose controls gameplay.


And Titans was a VERY satisfying expansion.


And yet the company died... D:




... Hold me....


*breaks into full out sobs*


And thier last game was Halo WArs! I liked Halo Wars (even though they really should have worked harder on the covenant side)! Why didn't anyone else?





Also I'm reading The World God Only Knows. It's promising but BB won't like it since the man character has to free girls from possession by making them fall for him.

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The World God only knows is actually good.


The protagonist is a guy who has no interest in girls outside of videogames (he is a master at dating sims).



It makes for interesting moments were he can pick out Tsundere's from their physical features.

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My gamestore doesn't have any Fire Emblem games except the more recently released ones. I played some of Sacred Stones on my friend's emulator, though. D: [/mylifesucks]


Also, in terms of non-video game strategy, Warhammer 40,000 for the win~ <3

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Age series>>>>>>>>Fire Emblem in my opinion


Anything turn based is never up to the status of a rts game. RTS puts you at a thinking pace so fast you could actually sweat bullets and blow off your foot. Anyone who disagrees with the idea of RTS>TBS is getting one of these.




It was funny when Amethyst did it.


When you did it it was bad.


And TBS>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>RTS


Along with Fire Emblem >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Age.


That many >'s weren't nessecary but I did it for emphasis

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Age series>>>>>>>>Fire Emblem in my opinion


Anything turn based is never up to the status of a rts game. RTS puts you at a thinking pace so fast you could actually sweat bullets and blow off your foot. Anyone who disagrees with the idea of RTS>TBS is getting one of these.




It was funny when Amethyst did it.


When you did it it was bad.


And RTS>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>TBS


Along with Age >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Fire Emblem


That many >'s weren't nessecary but I did it for no good reason


Sure sure~


Besides, have you even played any of the age before? If you haven't played both, you can't make a reliable opinion. =/

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