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Organization XIII

Phantom Roxas

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Well it made me cry.


It had better be from laughter, because you should've also known Xion would die/turn into Sora or whatever happens to her.


BECAUSE, the storyline takes place BEFORE a GAME (lol, I made you lose.) that is already made. THEREFORE, anyone that is in the game afterwards MUST be killed, or turn into a character from the next game, for consistancy.

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Xion's dieing and all he says is who will he have icecream with. Can't believe he totally forgot about Axel.


The Dustflier is ultra tough. Im at level 63 and I still can't beat it.


Which one is that? I'm looking it up and I can't find anything.


I swear, if I've beaten this heartless you are talking about, I'm going to die from laughter.

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Im at level 97 cant find the damn' date=' 3rd ability unit!



You want a 3rd ability unit? I'm at level 34 and I have 2 of 'em. Maybe 3.


Also, for jacoby: http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/kingdomhearts/images/thumb/2/26/Neoshadow_render.png/150px-Neoshadow_render.png&imgrefurl=http://kingdomhearts.wikia.com/wiki/Neoshadow&usg=__JG6F72XmlAsLjRvM4FIYYSkz7EQ=&h=163&w=150&sz=22&hl=en&start=91&tbnid=LKb7rBxrHJPW8M:&tbnh=98&tbnw=90&prev=/images%3Fq%3DDustflier%2Bheartless%26ndsp%3D18%26hl%3Den%26rlz%3D1T4TSHB_enUS248US260%26sa%3DN%26start%3D90


Judging from the information, bring lots of Panacea's. Be sure you have Glide equipped, and to level it up a bit with some panels at the epi-awesome Organization Moogle shop. Also, get the Nimble Gear. Great for Arial Combat, and has gotten me through a big portion of the game. That and the downgrade of the Nimble Gear. I can't remember what it's called.

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Well it made me cry.



You know what's even sadder? You team up with these characters, learn their backstories, get to know them, get familiarized with them, laugh at their jokes, their personalities, their purpose, their philosophies, their hopes, their dreams, their mission, their funny quirks, their joy.


Then you suddenly realize you kill them all in the end.

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D= Well thanks for that, Davvy.


By the way, I hope you all know that I hate Saix right now. I'll get over it, just like I got over hating Axel, but I hate Saix right now.


Also, we can all just ignore what the Demyx-Clone says - we all know Marluxia is a badass.

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