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Can I enter? I have sent the points and here is my card:



You can Tribute Summon this card by Tributing 1 Union Machine-Type monster you control. If you do, this card gains ATK equal to the Level of the Tributed monster x 100. Once per turn, you can select 1 Union monster from your hand or Graveyard and equip the apropiate monster with it. You can destroy 2 Union monsters on the field to inflict 2000 damage to your opponent. When this card is destroyed, destroy all face-up Union monsters on the field.

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ocg and last part?


look at my last post.

I'm a two star member now.


ok, I got my card and here it is.



effect is:this monster cannot be special summoned from the graveyard.For every aqua monster on the field, this monster gains 100 attack points. When this monster is destroyed as a result of battle, your opponent takes damage equal to the combined defence of all the monsters on your side of the field. If this card battles a monster with dragon in its name, both monsters are destroyed and removed from play.

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Its finaly time! Round 1!

Crystal Ice Mirror - Cybernetic Swordsman

xx wight diablo xx - Cybenetic Assasin - Xino

Xirno - Ultamite Gadjiltron Gadjit Purple

Shradow - Jinzounengin the Berserk Mecha


The Cybernetic Swordsman sat on a tree observing the power of Jinzounengin the Berserk Mecha as he was destroying a town. He was waiting for the perfect chance to strike because he knew a frontal assult with get him obliderated. What he didnt know was that the Cybenetic Assasin - Xino was examining the same target. Eventualy Xino spoted the Cybernetic Swordsman. He took out a discharg kunai that whould shut down the Swordsman's systems. He threw it but noticed he wasnt their anymore. He then started to see red. *Glitch in systom. Glitch in systom... shuting down...*. And then the swordsman left his body going after his target but then he stoped in his traks. Were was his target he wondered? *Meanwhile* Berserk was running after a big purple ball. "Ill obliderate you!" The ball, acually the Ultamite Gadjiltron Gadjit Purple did stop. Then some metal opened up and he started to fire missles! Berserk ran and cut the mistles in half just before the blew up. He then cut the machine in half, destroying it.


The Survivers


Crystal-Ice Mirrors


The Dead


xx wight diablo xx


The survivors will pass on to the next round. I will assighn new cards for round 2 when battle 2 and 3 will end.

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