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[align=center]I'm in.....

Green vanilla!!!!!


[spoiler=Lore]The second of five 'Divine' Class Golems built in the year 2118, this hulking green mass of armor came to be known as Asterion, after the legendary Minotaur. While Deus' design focuses on a number of powerful offensive and defensive tools, Asterions design takes the opposite stance. This Divine Golem has only a single weapon system, and relies instead entirely on it's virtually immeasurable strength and durabilty.



EDIT: payed entry fee...

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Here's my card, I'll send you the points as well.



[spoiler=Lore]While this card is face-up on the field, no monsters can be Special Summon, except for Dragon-Type monsters. Once per turn, you can send 2 cards in your hand to the graveyard and pay 800 life points to Special Summon 1 Dragon-Type monster to the field from your hand or deck. If you Special Summon a monster from your deck, afterwards shuffle your deck.


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