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Spirit Knights [BASIC] [PG-13] [Accepting] [Not Started]

Blackstone Dresden

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Spirit Knights: Established three centuries ago, they have become the military might of the human world. Having their souls manifested as elementals, they have gained supernatural powers, coming in three classes, the Soul Beasts are vital tools in battle, able to be in a half dozen places at once and with destructive powers in their own right, they are indispensable as spies and assassins. However, when combined with their Knight, they are forces to be reckoned with. You are a recent recruit of the Spirit Knights, brought in at a time when their fate is uncertain, for there are traitors in your midst, the Hell Knights, gaining their powers from a figure known only as The Dark One, their powers are boosted ten fold. Will you stand in defense of your native region, or will you topple the ancient kingdom and replace it with a world of terror?


[spoiler=Elements]Class 1/2/3






Air: Air Soul Beasts take the form of birds and are called by raising both arms above your head and snapping them out in the direction you wish the Beast to fly from. Air Spirit Knights typically wield bows and arrows and knives, taking advantage of their telescopic vision. As a class one, they have the ability to fly, shoot bursts of wind from their hands, and form cyclones up to 10 feet tall on average. Class twos gain the ability to manipulate sound, allowing them to generate sonicbooms with a snap of their fingers, soundproof a decent sized bubble, and control the path their voice travels, allowing them to control who hears what within a definite area. Class threes have enough control of the air around them to strip the electrons from the air itself and fire bolts of lightning from their palms. Those allied with The Dark One gain the power to repel all light within a definite scope.


Earth: Earth Soul Beasts take the form of land mammals and are called by raising both arms in the desired direction from rest. Earth Spirit Knights typically wield spiked gauntlets and large hammers, taking advantage of their superhuman strength. As a class one, they have the ability to form tunnels underground, fire stones from the ground, and form fissures up to 10 feet long on average. Class twos gain the ability to manipulate sand, allowing them to blind their opponents with the sand or dust, crush their opponents limbs, and control create stabbing weapons. Class threes have enough control of the earth below their feet to refine it into armor and weaponry, also giving them the ability to crush steel doors with their bare hands. Those allied with The Dark One gain the power to manipulate emotions using their voice, being able to incite fear, rage, lust, and depression in their victims.


Fire: Fire Soul Beasts take the form of mythical creatures and are called by swinging both arms to your right and snapping them out in the direction you wish the Beast to erupt from. Fire Spirit Knights typically wield bombs, taking advantage of their mastery of gunpowder. As a class one, they have the ability to fly by shooting flames from their feet, shoot fireballs from their hands, and create a wall of fire up to 10 feet long on average. Class twos gain the ability to manipulate smoke, keeping the fires just below ignition and choking and/or blinding the enemy, a technique that comes in handy for making a quick escape or turning the tide of a battle. Class threes have enough control of their body heat to ignite rocks, throwing balls of molten lava at their opponents. Those allied with The Dark One gain the power to superheat their flames to a miniature sun.


Water: Water Soul Beasts take the form of fish, amphibians, and aquatic mammals and are called by swinging both arms to your left and snapping them out in the direction you wish the Beast to surge from. Water Spirit Knights typically wield harpoons and spears, taking advantage of their use in underwater battles. As a class one, they have the ability to breathe underwater, manipulate the water in the air, and create a water bubble with a five foot radius on average. Class twos gain the ability to manipulate fog, blinding the enemy and healing their allies, a technique that makes them invaluable as field medics. Class threes have enough control of the water in the air to flash freeze it, hurtling icicle spears at their opponents. Those allied with The Dark One gain the power to poison their water, making their enemies die a slow death unless the poison's removed.



[spoiler=bio format]Delete everything in parentheses


Sex: (Male or Female, there is no third option)

Age: (no younger than 17)

Spirit Knight type: (Air, Earth, Fire, Water)

Faction: (Kingdom or The Dark One)

Spirit Knight class: (1, 2, or 3)

Soul Beast type: (choose an appropriate animal, describe it or post a picture)

Soul Beast name:

Appearance: (your character's, a picture or a description, minimum: eye color, hair color, clothes, scars/etc.)

Weapon: (choose one from the list, must include one sword/dagger, may have a shield)

History: (0-20 sentences)

RP sample: (class 3 only must be at least 5 sentences)

Other Details: (stuff not covered by the other categories)

You may have 5 characters, however, if I feel that some of your characters (that haven't been deposited somewhere else) are being neglected, after two warnings, you need to either use that character, kill it off, or deposit it somewhere with a use)



[spoiler=My bios]Name: The Dark One

Age: Unknown

Sex: Male

Spirit Knight type: Fire

Faction: Himself

Spirit Knight class: 3

Soul Beast type: Dragon

Soul Beast name: Desserral

Appearance: The Dark One has hair, Gambit eyes (black sclera, red eyes, black pupils), and has scars all over his body. He has the unique ability to combine with Desserral, which amplifies his strength 10 fold. He wears loose fitting pure black clothing and no armor at all. Because of this, his body is covered in scars, all over his neck and two large ones on his eyes, one going from his forehead to his right cheek, and one going horizontally through the middle of both. He has the unique ability to fully combine with Desserral, giving him the appearance of a dark red humanoid dragon

Weapon: The Dark One wields a viciously curved sword that is split in two down the middle, with each side curving away at the tip, giving it the appearance of a hook reflected against itself. There is no blunt edge to the blade and even the hilt is razor sharp, so that no one but he can hold it without bleeding.

History: Find out later.

RP sample: Yeah, my RP, I don't need a sample.

Other Details:


Name: Marcus

Age: 22

Sex: Male

Spirit Knight type: Water

Faction: Kingdom

Spirit Knight class: 3

Soul Beast type: Manta

Soul Beast name: Derselner

Appearance: Marcus has blond hair, white eyes, and wears predominately white and blue clothing. He has no armor and is famous for having never drawn blood in a battle either way, always ending each fight with no casualties and no serious injuries.

Weapon: Marcus wields a small dagger and a bow he stole from an Air Knight traitor, having lost his spear in the same fight. He carries no arrows and simply freezes the air into an arrow shape.

History: Find out later

RP sample:

Other Details: He's the leader of the strike force hoping to quell the rebellion before an all out war starts.


Name: Tara

Age: 19

Spirit Knight type: Earth

Faction: Kingdom

Spirit Knight class: 2

Soul Beast type: Fox

Soul Beast name: Ivy (full name unknown)

Appearance: Tara has brunette hair, brown eyes, and a dark tan. She wears a light brown tank top and a brown miniskirt, with no armor at all. She functions mainly as a spy for the team, seducing guards and people that are holding out knowledge. She is known as the most gorgeous girl to ever become a Spirit Knight.

Weapon: Tara carries twin collapsible diamond bladed in lieu of traditional weapons because of her unique job.

History: She gets very distant and withdrawn whenever her past is brought up, the only one who knows is her brother Marcus

RP sample:

Other Details: She is Marcus's sister


Name: Ilana

Age: 15 (my RP, I can break my own rules)

Spirit Knight type: Fire

Faction: Kingdom

Soul Knight class: 1

Soul Beast type: Gryphon

Soul Beast name: Liya

Appearance: Ilana has bright blue eyes, blondish red hair, and wears ripped pink jeans and a pink tanktop. She has a scar across her throat and, despite her bubbly and lively personality, no one has heard her speak a word. She is known as the youngest person to ever become a Spirit Knight, passing her final exam three days before the strike force left. She is a spitting image of Tara but is in no way related to her.

Weapon: Ilana wields a razor sharp whip that can double back on itself to form a sword and has various small explosives in pouches around her waist.


RP sample:

Other Details: In case you didn't catch on, she's mute



[spoiler=Other People's bios]


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Name: Solez Yarin

Sex: Male

Age: 18

Spirit Knight type: Earth

Faction: Kingdom

Spirit Knight class: 1

Soul Beast type: Ferret (http://myanimalblog.files.wordpress.com/2008/02/black-footed-ferret1.jpg)

Soul Beast name: Karyn

Appearance: Stands at about 5'11", with short black hair and light brown skin. His eyes are a honey-brown that turn black when his emotions are evoked, and he has permanent frown lines around his mouth. His smiles are rarely seen, but he has black bags under his eyes that have become permanent. Normally wears loose clothing, either dark green or black in colour.

Weapon: Large hammer, a dagger and a shield

History: A young man who is a newer recruit of the Spirit Knights. His Soul Beast, Karyn, is a small ferret who looks fairly young, but works relatively quick. He was raised in a poor family, and has been humbled for it. His family was the only thing he's ever really had, so it goes without saying that family is important to the boy. He joined the Spirit Knights simply because it seemed like a noble profession that would bring his family Honour, and make them proud.

Other Details: Relatively nimble. Somewhat weak for an Earth Knight, but tougher than most. Also, loves milk.

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