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Yo dawg

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Yo dawg i herd yo liek Reckless Greed so we Reckless Greeded during yo Reckless Greed during yo Reckless Greed so yo can draw cards while drawing cards, drawing cards.




Yeah... anyways i don't see why, so many yall hate this card, its a generic draw card that's a +1. Sure yo skip a draw phases or 2, but chained 1 after another there awesome sauce.

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I luv this card. I've used it before, and even without 3 of these activated at once, its won me duels in Plants. However, the reason this generic Draw cards is underated is because:





Royal Decree kicks it in the balls, and most Generic Draw cards are Spell, which work a turn faster than this.

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  'Flame Dragon said:

Only use it if your going to run it in 3s.


That's true' date=' but to keep advantage you only need to activate 2 at once. Only use Reckless Greed in OTK decks and the few decks that thrive on a huge hand (Trago anyone?) otherwise look elsewhere for you drawing needs.


Reckless Greed = win in OTK decks [/topic']

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