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Sora Presents - The Kingdom Hearts Sora Cup! Enter Now! Need Entries!


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Hello fellow YCMers, I decided to make my 1st Contest. If you guys ever wandered in the Pop Culture Section, you MIGHT'VE seen my Kingdom Hearts Project. Now as you can see, I love Kingdom Hearts, and I hope to see lots of Kingdom Hearts fans on this site, so I will host a Contest to see if you guys like the Kingdom Hearts Series. Now on to the Rules!



All Regular Site Rules APPLY.

Sorry for people with lower than 3 Stars, but this is a contest for 3 Stars or higher.

Although, I COULD make an exception if you're good enough and have less than 3 Stars.


Cards MUST involve Kingdom Hearts.

Cards MUST be from Kingdom Hearts 1

You MUST have 3 cards. 1 Monster, 1 Spell, 1 Trap.

No cards with "Divine-Beast" or Attribute.


Spell Cards CANNOT be Equip Spell Cards.



6 Reps, there will only be 1 Winner. HOWEVER if I do see another person's cards to be nearly or as good as the Winner's, but decided against him/her. I WILL split the prize and give 3 reps to both makers, but that is IF AND ONLY IF the second maker cards are really good.

The Winner's 3 cards will be shown in Special Recognition in my Kingdom Hearts Project Thread, obviously CREDITING the maker of the cards.


Okay Kingdom Hearts Fans, as in recognition of Phil, "I got 2 words for ya. GO!" (I realize its only 1 word.)


List of People who have entered:

?The-Riddler? (CARDS ENTERED)




Teh Rua

End Date: October 31, 2009.



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???ok well you told me I could enter, so here are my cards???


[spoiler= Monster]


[spoiler=Card Lore:]This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set, this card can only be Special Summoned when you control 1 face-up "Sora - Ketblader of Light" and 1 face-up "Halloween Town". When this card is Special Summoned remove 1 "Sora - Keyblader of Light" from your side of the field. Increase the ATK of this card by 300 for each DARK monster you control. During each Standby Phase that your opponent controls a LIGHT monster, inflict 300 points of Direct Damage to your Life Points.













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I will join




[spoiler=Lore]When this card is summoned, you can Special Summon a monster with "Tinker Bell" in its name. Once per turn during the Standby Phase place 1 Party Counter on this card(Max 3). By removing 3 Party Counter from this card Special Summon "Sora, Wielder of the Keyblade", "Goofy - Captain of the Royal Knights" or "Donald Duck - Royal Magician of Disney Castle" from your deck or hand. By removing 2 Party Counter from this card Special Summon 1 monster with "Wendy" in its name




[spoiler=Lore]All WIND monsters gain 200 ATK. Once per turn you can send 1 card from your hand to the graveyard to reduce the ATK of a monster equal to the Level of that monster x 300, untill the End Phase of that turn. That monster can attack your opponent directly during the Battle Phase of that turn.




[spoiler=Lore]This card can only be activated when "Peter Pan - The Flying Boy From Neverland" is face-up on the field. Remove 1 Party Counter from it and discard a card from your hand to the graveyard to skip your opponent's next Battle Phase.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok, since there were 3 entrants, but 1 of them gave in KH2 Cards. I will be judging Riddler's and Leo's Cards.



OCG: 9/10

Pictures: 10/10

Creativity: 9/10

Playability: 4/10


Final: 32/40


Riddler, your cards are great. But I need to see a Halloween Town Field Spell Card since it says so in Sora's Effect. Meaning the Summoning of Halloween Sora is completely nullified.



OCG: 7/10

Pictures: 6/10

Creativity: 9/10

Playability: 10/10


Final: 32/40


Leo, your cards have great playability, but I spotted several OCG Errors and Peter Pan's Picture really killed the Picture rating. But, your playability is extremely good, considering it could go with cards from my Project. However, I do not see a "Tinker Bell" but you couldn't add another monster since I said 1 of each so..sorry. I also do not see a "Wendy".


The match ends in a Tie. You will both receive 3 Reps. Congratulations and thanks for entering.

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