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Reaper(PG 16)[Basic]{Always accepting}


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Meanwhile, Moonlight was playing on her musical weapon. The flamberge blade rested flat on her shoulder, her hands gripping the hilt like she was holding a violin. The wakizashi was harmlessly being moved across the flamberge, playing a set of invisible strings. The violin music produced was flawless; if no one could see Moonlight, one would have thought she was genuinely playing the violin.

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can i join?


Name: Unknown (call himself Rekut)


Gender: Unknown

Race: Reaper

Weapon: Scythe, Sword and 2 Sickles

[spoiler=Appearance] grim_reaper.jpg


Crush(Mostly for humons but other races can have crushs): No

Personality: Self-caring, Gentle, Feared, Easily forgotten(mean people tend to not see him)

Group(you dont have to put this): Hmmmm.....Shadow Walkers

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"Now lets go meet the one I love" she whispers in ariel's ear.

Sudenly a orb of wavy black energy surounds them and teliports them to a door covered in clouds, "Pasword" a mysteryous voice says.

Niku grins, "Ask not, for whom the bell rings, for the bell rings for you!" she says in a rather demonic voice the door opens with a creek.

Vera turns to Ariel and clasps her hand, "lets Go.." she says with a smile Enering

the door with Ariel.

OoC: I have to go to sleep. Night!

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"So." Narcissus said, putting his hands behind his neck. "What's up?"

Maero swallowed, then shrugged. "The usual. Heaven. God, I guess." He muttered. Narcissus chuckled. "God? The ol' coot. He's like that crazy uncle that insults you at every opportunity, ruins Thanksgiving, but you still can't bring yourself to hate." He sighed and shrugged. "Anything new?"


Maero paused, and shrugged again. "I think there are some Angels nearby. Or reapers. Can never tell the differance."


Narcissus chuckled. "Who can?" He muttered, before taking a swing of beer. Maero gave him an odd look. "I didn't bring any alchohol." He muttered.


Narcissus shrugged. "Yeah, I brought my own."

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In a flury of light Vera and ariel aper before a throne Vera Kneals to one knee and looks down and forces Ariel in to the same position, "hello my love" she says sarcsticly.

The bright figure dims down to reviel a hadsome figure, "you know our love is imposible right Vera and ive never been one for fealings" the booming voice says.

The Figure puts his hand on veras chin and lifts her face, he then kisses her, "nothing" the voice says depresively.

Vera smiles, "you never were the romantic type Jesiah, but thats what I like about you" she says Blushing.

[spoiler= Jesiah (or god lol)]Helios_God_of_the_Sun_by_Red_Priest_Usada.jpg


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OOC: Ok someone please post.


As Griffin was walking back to edge he was thinking about when the next batte between Heaven and hell would be. Damnit this war needs to end. He thought about how the remaining humans were in hiding and the ones that were'nt were forced to serve Satan.

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Rekut walk in a abandon town. He look and saw the structures ready to topple, but stood their with the last ounce of their might. "Everything has an end....even the ones who ends are already up." Rekut made it to the central of the town. He saw on the fountain edge and look in it. "What was I doing now?"

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