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Naruto Shippuden- Heartless Attack |Started+Accepting| |Basic| |PG-13|

Lunar Roze

Should you get more characters?  

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  1. 1. Should you get more characters?

    • no, leave it at only two
    • Yes, the more the merrier
    • don't care

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Guest Tainted Black

Name: Tanekai Uchiha

Age: 20

Village: Rogue, Illegitimate Son of ITachi.

Apperance: b5e6284.png

Weapons: Yougankan, a sword that reacts to MAgma, and Fire.

Specialty: Weapons, Ninjutsu

[spoiler=Jutsu/chakra element:]


(With Eternal MAngekyo Sharingan)




Personality: Dark, Reserved

Bio: Illegitimate Son of ITachi. Has a Dead Twin Sister.

Other: Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan


Name: Thomas

Age: 25

World: Hollow Bastian/Radiant Garden

Apperance: 453f386.png

Keyblade: http://fc05.deviantart.com/fs38/f/2008/352/7/3/KH_II_Bond_Of_Flame_Keyblade_by_captkiro.jpg

Keyblade abilities: Fire Coating, Strike Raid, Flame Raid (Strike Raid + Fire Coating) (Will add more)

Personality: Quiet, Confused.

Bio: (He resides in Hollow bastian, but has no memory.


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Samuel was chasing after the few heartless that was still there when he bump into Desro. "I guess I found a native of this world."

Desro: What?!?! Who are you? What is your connection with these things?

Samuel sighed as he struck a Heartless. "Now not the time."

Desro back up against Samuel's back as the Heartless was merging. "I going to find out what happen." Both of them stood still as the newly form Heartless made it entrance.

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OoC: Sorry, I wasn;t around because this rp has had little to no action over the past week.


IC: Numos looked around, and turned to Kuro. "Anything special I should save? I can teleport buildings and monuments to a safer area..." Numos glanced nervously at the blob on the horizon, which was still growing, but flashing slightly. "We have maybe 3 hours, less than."

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Azura was busy slaying heartless when he glanced over to see a small kid about 12 or 13 years of age working along side him "ummm kid...would you mind getting away" Said Azura..."no way you need some seriouse help.." said the kid "by the way im Ace, from twilight town, and you?" Azura looked pissed off "Azura...now beat it, before i beat you"

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Samuel and Desro jump on a tree as a huge black hand tried to grab them. Desro took his chance and threw paper bombs on it. The giant Heartless topple.

Samuel: That won't kill it. Heartless are the very essence of a evil heart. It live and feed on the blackness of a heart that has no heat.

Desro: Speak English!!!! What are 'Heartless'?

Samuel jump and pull out his second keyblade.

Desro: What a key gonna to do to that? Desro begin making handsigns as the Heartless begin getting back up.

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Kano slips back into consciousness his pulse returning to normal spped his wounds healed during his time of rest. "that foolish ninja will not stay alive long, he attacked me so i shall finish him". Kano then jumps through then trees seeing the heartless and kurama hurrying along. "hi there" Kano says nicely dropping down his power still at the same levels. Kano grabs the heartless and holds it up using his chidori he destroys the creature. "now buddy, choose your poison, you join me and help in my destruction or you die here, your choice.. but no pressure" he says saying the last 3 words nicely. Kano holds electricity in the palm of his hand waiting for the reply.

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Kurama saw that freaking boy again destroying the other hearthless but Kurama was impressed by the huge power of the boy then he said "It would be nice if you come with me to the Hearthless master , together we can rule that World! If not im ready to fight , im not that weak yo know , you just suprised me twice....." Then Kurama concentrate and all fire appeared around his body , then Kurama toke his katana that was changed in a fire katana . "But it would be good if we work together"....

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Kano Unsheathes his black kusanagi sword it surroun d by lightning. "hmm.. now this heartless master you speak of, does he cntrol these weak little beasts, they'll never make world domination like that here". he then looks around making sure there is no-one watching. "ill join if not to just organize these little creatures to actually make successful invasions". he holds his hand out torwards kurama.

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Kurama's fire dissapeared and he smiles "alright then!" and he gave a hand to the boy "Now let's go there should be a portal opening so we need to hurry up and dont worry about the hearthlesses. The hearthless that you killed" and he laught "gave me this talisman , so we are save." Now let's go and if we see someone fighting agaisnt the hearhlesses then we just destroy hmi or her!"

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Ooc : Hope it's not godmodding.



IC:"Somethimes.... is a alliance better than to be alone.." said Kurama looking at the sky "My name is Kurama" Then Kurama saw about 300 little hearthless busy eating villagers , KUrama winks to Kano and said "Look and learn" He approched the hearthless , first the monsters tries to attack him but then he show his talisman , all the hearthless stopped with moving , Kurama was laughing "Now c mon my minions follow me!, and dont attack the boy next to me!" The Hearthless began to follow Kurama. "Kano are you coming?" then Kurama laught.

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"Ninja Arts: Flash Cannon!" Desro hands glowed at piece thru the giant Heartless in a split second.

Samuel: (So he can use magic.) Samuel summon clouds as his blades begin to glow.

Samuel: "Thunder Smack!" Samuel came down crashing his blade on the wounded Heartless. The Heartless disappear. Desro: (What kind of ninjutsu is that?) After the dust settles, Desro walk toward Samuel. "Alright start telling me everything!"

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Akira leapt into the air and and dropped into a field of heartless, wiping them all out with a huge impact. "Whew, that felt good" Akira said as he got up, and pulled out his Reversed Handle Sword from the ground. He sliced another heartless in the head, and waited for another wave. They came again, and they fell again. "This is getting annoying" Akira said.

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From the tree Kano notices Akira. "i guess that since he's attacking the little thins i should go stop him" he mutters. Kano then runs up with amazing speed stopping next to Akira. "sotrry bout this kid, but i've made new allies and you seem to be wrecking them". he then knees Akira int he gut punching him sending him flying backwards. he runs alongside Akira then slamming him to the ground with his heel after the clear the range of any Heartless. "now kid, your choice join or ill actually let you die this time" he says using Dragonflame jutsau making the weather conditions right for kirin.

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Kurama saw Kano beating the boy that Kurama attacked before "Héhé nice moves" thne he said "Listen my minions! That boy over the ground is keep killing other hearthlesses , Go EAT Himm!!!" Said Kurama with a laught. about 300 hearthlesses are approching the boy.

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Kano holds chidori in his hand back behind him scaring the heartless back from the power of it. a weird anger is in his eyes as he looks back the heartless moving backwards. "don't touch him, he's mine!!" he yells, the heartless scattering slightly. he then turns his attention back to Akira, "make your decision, Boy!".

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