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Naruto Shippuden- Heartless Attack |Started+Accepting| |Basic| |PG-13|

Lunar Roze

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  1. 1. Should you get more characters?

    • no, leave it at only two
    • Yes, the more the merrier
    • don't care

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Akira was slightly stunned by the shot to the back and the seal on his arm. He quickly performed the Sealing Method, sealing away the power of the Seal. "Back to business" Akira said, he was breathing heavily, clutching his chest. He sliced right through a few more monsters, and started breathing in heavier. "This is bad.." he started fighting through more waves.

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Kano then leg sweeps Akira and looks down on him angrily. "now you gotta finish our fight first my friend". his hand has a ball of electricity from in it "Chidori!" he says as it hits Akira's gut whille Akira is on the ground badly damaging him.

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Akira knew he was in danger, and alittle bit of a weird beast-like instinct in him increased his power and chakra supply, he was hoping not to use this. He quickly kicked the man into the air, and jumped up above him, he preformed 2 somersaults, then elbowed the man into the ground. "I have no time for this!" Akira yelled. He clutched at his chest, the power he just gained was only momentary, and it would only last for a couple more seconds.

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Kano then uses Chidori Senbon throwing electric senbons into Akira who is only slightly above. "well prepare to make time, coz i aint leaving without some fun". he then kicks his foot perfectly mising akiras head by a mm on purpose as he then spins slamming akira down with that foot. he uses Fire Release: Intelligent hard working to clear the area. he then jumps high into the air and landing perfectly. "now what say you actually try?".

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Akira grinned, barely. "Fine" he said, he rubbed the side of his head, and pulled out the Chidori Senbons. He stretched alittle, and disappeared, appearing to the right side of Kano, he elbowed him in the ear, sending him flying away. Akira appeared again, this time, behind Kano as he was flying towards him, and kicked him into the air. He finally finished up his combo by leaping up and headbutting Kano in the back, throwing him back into the ground. "Lightning Style - Plasma Rain" he yelled as several lightning bolts fell down, making a Circle Formation. He finished it up by directing 1 lightning bolt right down on Kano, who was in the middle of the Circle.

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Kano rolls just doging the bolt then jumping to the same height as akira is. "foolish that wouldnt hit me even if you managed to actually hurt me". he then blasts his hand into Akiras gut with a chidori damaging the stom ach area further. he then uses Fire Release: Great Dragon Fire Technique up into the sky storm cnditions created by this as he lands. he then uses Kirin holding the natural lightning he blasts it into akira a huge heat damaging the surrounding area. Kano then grabs akira, who is now unconscious and in need of mediacal attention, and jumps away from the village laying him done in a building hidden in the forest and applying pressure to the blast point. "that was a pretty good fight kid, you might've won if i wasnt at full strength". he then sits outside the material he has wrapped around the stomach safely holding as he waits for akira to awake.


ooc: lol, you dont mind me nearly killing you do ya?

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OoC: Its alright.


IC: Akira didn't awaken, but he was speaking with himself in his mind. "Am I dead?" He wondered. "No you are not" a voice replied. The voice then said "Your time is not up, not yet atleast." and Akira awoken. Fully regenerated, his chakra and power replenished. He looked around, "Well aren't you the serious one" he said to Kano.

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Kano stands and looks back at him. "you could have won if i wasn't at full power". he then stands his hand looking slightly burned. "i guess i overdid it on my last attack, considered following my path?". he then sits again facing torwards akira.

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Kurama saw a boy attacking his victime and said angry " Only i gonna destroy him"

then he stand up and begon tho yell "RHAAAAAAAAA" all over his body came fire and his hair changed in red hair "You gonna see now!" Then he moved extremly fast and kicked Kano in the face and shooted 3 fire balls at Akira " Die now!!"

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"I just drifted there, and for some reason, I stay there, but still call myself a drifter, gives me a enigmatic sense, y'know?" Akira replied. He yelped as the fireballs connected and he fell off. Falling with a thud, part of his short jacket was sizzling, and part of the chain on his pants was melted.

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Ooc: Sorry for not being on here peoples, I have got school and psat to worry aoubt. Soo today I wont be on again after this. Sorries. Compass, heartless as attacked the villages. A group of keyblade weilders are coming to kill the heartless. Thats bascially whats happening.

IC: Kuro waited for a reply.


Kazuko slashed through even more heartless. "This sucks. I was hopinh gor a peaceful day of sleep. And what do I get, Lord Kazekage ending me here on this troublesome mission." KAzuko complained aloud. "i don't even have enough time in betweenw aves to eat my pocky."

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OoC: We all have school to worry about. Don't worry!


IC: Numos shook his head, looking at the shawdowy cretures invading the hidden leaf village. "How in the name of my name am I going to get though these? Perhaps this keystone blade will help matters..." Numos drew the blade from the sheath on his belt, pointed it at the heartless fighting Kazuko. "Exorise." Numos whspered to himself. A wide white beam came out of the sword, surronding Kazuko and the Heartless.

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OoC: I know. We have MAP tests on the computor, on stuff theey havn;t even taught us yet! I took the SAT early...boring...


IC: The light envloped Kuzoko and the heartless, the heartless began to become the color of dirty snow. Numos walked towards them, keystone extended.

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Ooc: Being a sophmore, we get PSAT. SAT comes next year and it will also be my last year, hopefully. I plan to graduate early.

IC: Kazuko still stared at the new perosn. She didn't recognize him at all.


One wya or another, Kuro ended up outside the village of Konoha, unkown to her. She wondered around. She saw a ninja, odd oclored heartless,a nd another perosn with akeyblade. she ran up to them.

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Kurama approched Akura but he didnt killed him " Poor weak fool , ur too pathetic to be even get killed by me" the he grabs his neck and thrown him away , The he looked at himself "hmmm intresting new form" Kurama got now red hair and is 2 times stronger and faster . Then he looked around ," now where is that little girl! I not finshed with her yet!".

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The last heartless disappear under Desro's blade. "Now to get to the village." Desro appear on top of the gate when he saw ninja fighting and Heartless appearing. "They just don't give up." Desro jump in the air and cause a huge tremor to appear and shook all the ninjas and Heartless around the village. "Now I mad!!!"


Samuel continue to attack the Heartless when he felt a sudden quake. "Something happen in that direction." He quickly attack another Heartless and begin traveling toward it. "What a drag!"

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Iori saw the light cover Kazuko and the Heartless. He also saw someone holding a giant key. He was surprised when she saw another person running up to the person with the key. Iori was confused. He didn't know who any of them were, besides Kazuko.

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IC: Roze, I would like to change my keyblade abilties. Exorsism, the attack just used, I keep, but I would like if...Could teleport things from place to place (Arcing light) Give the user and all people touching the user, angel like powers (Angelic transformation) and could shoot lightbeams at stuff (Crystal laser.)

Ic:The heartless where now stumbleing around, some trying to kiss each other, some weeping, some just looking drunk. Numos walked up to Kazuko. "Help me finish them off?" Numos asked. "Hey can't do a thing in their current state." Matthew helfted his key.

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OoC: By the way, I had no clue Keystone blades where keys. Mine, i guess, is gold, ornate, and large, I use it like a hammer, hiting people with the end you stick into the door.


IC: Without waiting for an answer, he swung his key, hitting 3 of the heartless off into the distance. "Hmph. Piece of cake." Numos shook his head. "You know, these aren't worth your notice. I'll take care of them." He shot off to Kazuko. He twirled his key above his head, and then walked though the ranks of the Heartless, seinding them fling with the force of the spinning hammer.

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