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Naruto Shippuden- Heartless Attack |Started+Accepting| |Basic| |PG-13|

Lunar Roze

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"How did you get here?" Numos stood up, drawing his keyblade, holding it ahead of him, the tip flashing with white light. "I sealed this realm off from you." Out of the corner of his mouth, he told Kazuko. "Grab...hold...of...Kuro...lady...7th!" He whispered to her.


OoC: Right. Wasn;t there a 6th hokage who died?

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ooc: RIght...sorry ,forgot aoubt her being hokage ^.^

IC: The heartless king laughed. "If you had done so with proper preperations, I wou;ldn't have beena ble to control my zombie pet."

Kazuko went to hold onto Kuro but she was already standing behind Numos. She held her keyblade pointed to the back of him. Her eyes were blank and dark as before hwen she had been controlled.

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"Very well, My lady." He smiled. SOunded kinda wierd. He managed to teleport the villagers to another realm, one that was completely isolated, and that the heartless king could not survive in. (Pony world?) He gasped and sat down. "Tireing, my lady." He gasped to her.


OoC: I knew it! I always do that! GAH!

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Name: Masaru "Bomber" Nejusu

Age: 17

Village: Stone

Apperance: BlackCoatAnimeGuy.jpg

Weapons: Explosive Clay, Needles, Chained Weapons

Specialty: Ninjutsu

Jutsu/chakra element: [spoiler=] Explosive Clay


Personality: He is very sarcastic and fun-loving most of the time. However sometimes he can be very destructive when he wishes with his abilities. He also spends his times improving his fighting power most of the time but occasionally he can be very lazy

Bio: (not required)

Other: Is a current Missing Nin by killing his opponents in the Chunin Exams.

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Musara jumped from building to building, what was going on here? He was originally planning to come to Konoha in hope for a new home. But now everything seemed to be falling apart now, quickly he saw a group of people. But he knew that they must be the enemy due to the fact they where not sucked up so he tossed a clay figure of a bird at them but immediatly it grew in size to be the size of a small house. It then dived straight at the group preparing to explode.

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Akira met this guy with a strange Dysmal mix of White and Black Key with a Arch at the tip, forming a blade-like structure. Akira held up his Reversed Handle Sword, he grinned "Hey that weapon looks interesting, wanna test it out on mine?". He held it in Ven's Style. "Bring it" he said. Sora started freaking out but he busted out his Two Across Keyblade, ready to face the new guy. If he had to, he would resort to trying out a new technique.


OOC: I lost everyone in the KH and Naruto lol. Fill in please.

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Musara quickly jumped up and used his hand mouths to re-eat the bird and then spit it back out again as something more powerful. "Lets see what about C1 Spider Swarm?" he said mockingly as he let lose a large amount of clay spiders at the group. Yep these guys were most definately hostiles.

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NUmos managed to lift his keyblade, slowly but surely, towards the clay guy, as he thought of him. "Cystal laser." He said to himself. A purple/white circle spun on the tip of his keyblade, before a gigantic flash of light occured, and a white beam shot towards the clay person.

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Kurama smashed the bug away and before he vanished he said "You'r not who im seeking , and i dont want to waste my energy on you" Then he vanished somewhere. "I can feel it..." said he looking around and he vanished again behind some tree , there he saw a weird clay guy attacking a boy and the .. girl! "Aha here she is, now i need a plan to capture her....."

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"How dare you ignore me?!?!?" Desro jump in the air and reveal his scythe. "Ninja Arts: Silence, but Deadly!" Desro twisted his blade around him and disappear. He appear above Kurama and strike. Samuel and Peter Pan was busy taking care of the Heartless. "Strange that a residents of this world can control Heartless. Something up." Samuel strike another Heartless and watch the heart fly in the sky. (They are drawn now. Something is really up.)

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Musara was able to dodge a fatal point but was blasted into a wall with that attack."Grrgh, what kinda technique is that!" he said as he slowly stepped out of his hole. "I'll show you to mess with me, C3 Clay Doll!" he said as he pulled out a small doll made out of clay from his pocket. "Well lets see you survive this!" he said while creating one clay bird to carry him from the blast. "Katsu!" the doll grew to a huge state and then created a large explosion that Musara had just escaped from.

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Numos managed to recover from his faint-headedness. HE hurt all over. He couldn't do anything in current conidion...He noticed Kazuko deflecting some sort of explosion. He thought...perhaps he could use a justu, if he got his hands into the right posion, although he was horrible at most justu...

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