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Naruto Shippuden- Heartless Attack |Started+Accepting| |Basic| |PG-13|

Lunar Roze

Should you get more characters?  

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  1. 1. Should you get more characters?

    • no, leave it at only two
    • Yes, the more the merrier
    • don't care

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Samuel and Desro was by a small town eating. "So you don't know?" Desro ate a meatball while he was looking at Samuel. "I tend not to get involve in these things. I really don't care about the duties of being a Keybearer." samuel got up and yawn. "This kind of work doesn't suit me you know." Desro got up and pat his belly. "There are things in life dosen't suit really no one. We have to make due to what we have." Samuel sighed as they started to walk.

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The heartless king smiled. "Don't hurt them now, my pet." he said to the reflection of Kuro. "Bring that boy to me."


Kuro heard the king's voice in her head. She twireld to dodge his attack and grabbed the keyblade. "Come with me." Her voice has turned demonic, kind of liek the female verison of the hheartless kings' voice. "Master is waiting."

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Samuel and Desro was in the village that was being attack by heartless. Samuel made his Keyblade appear while Desro pull out his sickles. "Look like I get to exercise some more." Desro smile as he jump in the horde. "This is such a drag." Samuel float and glided to the army of Heartless. "Time for a helping hand. Summon!" Samuel pull out a card and threw it in the air. The card glow then Tinkerbell and Peter Pan appeared. (Give me someone I can work with next time okay.) Tinkerbell came to Samuel and smile. She circle around him while Peter Pan came in front of him. "You haven't call us in a while."

"Can we skip the formalities and stop them?" Samuel pointed to the Heartless. Samuel was in the air when Peter Pan had his blade out. "Let Go! Fairytale Story!"

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Kurama saw a boy with weird green cloths and a bug with him and he saw a another boy with a sword or something "What the?......Oh anyways you are blocking my way " said he smiling "Fire style jutsu ... Dragon Fire!!!" Kurama shooted a huge ball of fire on the company.

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"Earth Style: Slamming Fist!" A fistlike stone appear and hit the fireball. It suddenly drop to the ground rising all the Heartless up around the impact. Samuel and Peter Pan took this chance and begin attacking them. "Again. Fairytale Story! Now Tink, hit them. Ready....A Happy Ending!!!" A flurry of dust and strike hit the Heartless as they was getting close to the center. Desro rush pass them striking anything that got in his way.

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The heartless king laughed as his contorl was broken. IT was aweak link after all. However, he need not worry. She was a frial human who he could easily control again. But, he ahd seen enough to know where they were. He summond some heartless minons and made them go to the new relam they were in. He told them to make a minor portal this time, one tht wouldnt explode at all.


Kuro''s eyes returned to thier original color but they still seemed lifeless. She fell faceforard to the ground. Her eyes were open but her mind seemed far away.

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