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Naruto Shippuden- Heartless Attack |Started+Accepting| |Basic| |PG-13|

Lunar Roze

Should you get more characters?  

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  1. 1. Should you get more characters?

    • no, leave it at only two
    • Yes, the more the merrier
    • don't care

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Samuel made it to an arch door way. "This may seem to be a way out." He turn too see Desro running behinding him



"Why are we here?"

"Like I know?" Desro growled as Samuel turn back to the doorway and opening it up with his key. "Are you coming?" Desro scoffed and put his hand behind his head. He walk with Samuel.

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Name- Zeal

Age- 18

Village- Sound

Appearance- Red eyes, black wizard hat. Black suit, violet guitar: Guitar serves as a "Wand" as well.

Weapons- Guitar("Wand"), Wizard hat, Enchanted orbs (Jutsu orbs)

Specialty- Balanced, but mainly ninjutsu

[spoiler=jutsu]Can't really think of names, sorry... But I promise not to make my character OP'd.



Other- Zeal is made out of I-no from guilty gear ^-^ He refers to his jutsu as "Magic". He serves as villan, basically bothering other chars.

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ooc: various reasons like trying to plan someones party, cooking for it, trying to do school work while my head is inthe clouds, etc. Anywho, Compass, could you take over the villagers for now? I have to get off after I post this and reply to any rps hat need relying too.

IC: The villagers murmured amonst themselves.


The heartless King finlly stepped through the portal leading to the ninja world. He knew that brat moved them. He looked aorund jsut the same and decided ott ake over this world still. He sent his heartless to spread even mroe across the land. AS for his zombie...

He walked over to a pool of water and muttered osmetthing. Someone's face appereared in the water and all of that peroon's movements. He miled gleefully and cruelly. "Time to control my zombie."

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IC: Numos felt the dark one's presence. "He takeing over the other world. We must make a group and fight back." A villager spoke up. "How do you know?"

"I am the seer of all things." Numos siad simply. "And I see one of us is going to be controled."

OoC: HAve fun!

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