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Who ever said CCV is dead, needs to be shot


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Not literaly....


Arm intends to make really bad puns here.


Contageious Claw Verger -DARK-



You can Release this card and 2 other DARK-Attribute monsters on your side of the field to activate this effect.

View the contents of your Opponent's monsters(face-up and face-down), the Opponent's hand, are all cards he/she draws until the end of the Opponent's 3rd End Phase, and destroy all monsters with an ATK of 1500 or more, among the viewed monsters.

1000ATK / 0DEF


Destructive Devil Verger -DARK-



You can Release this card and 2 other DARK-Attribute monsters on your side of the field to activate this effect.

View the contents of your Opponent's monsters(face-up and face-down), the Opponent's hand, are all cards he/she draws until the end of the Opponent's 3rd End Phase, and destroy all monsters with an ATK of 1500 or less, among the viewed monsters.

2000ATK / 1000DEF


The West Nile -WATER-



This card's Attribute is also treated as DARK.

Once per turn, you can select 1 face-up monster on the field. Place Virus Counters on that monster equal to it's level. A monster with a Virus Counter(s) loses 100 and DEF for each Virus Counter on that monster, during the Opponent's turn only. During your turn, the ATK of all monsters with a Virus Counter(s) on it, is treated as 2000 points.

1000ATK / 500DEF


Airbone Swine -WIND-



This card cannot be Special Summoned. This card's Attribute is also treated as DARK. When this face-up attack-position card is destroyed as a result of battle, destroy all face-up monsters on the field and all monsters in both player's hands with an ATK of 1500 or more. If this card's effect was activated, the controller of it cannot conduct your Battle Phase until the end of your 3rd End Phase, after this effect was used.

1000ATK / 1000DEF


Proxy Chicken Cluster -DARK-



If this face-up card is destroyed, while it is the only monster on the field, this card's effect is activated.

Special Summon 1 Proxy Chicken Token(DARK/Lvl1/Winged-Beast/0ATK/0DEF) in defence position, in each open monster card zone on the field.



Dark Fairy Lily -DARK-



Once per turn, you can pay 2000 Lifepoints and select 1 face-up level2 or lower DARK-Attribute monster to activate this effect.

Until the End Phase of this turn, the origional ATK of the selected monster becomes 3000 points.

400ATK / 1500DEF


Flew Bug -DARK-



If this card is destroyed as a result of battle with an Opponent's monster with an ATK of 1500 points or more, destroy the monster that battled this card, and inflict damage to your Opponent's Lifepoints equal to 300 points X the monster's level.

800ATK / 200DEF


Fake Vaccine -Spell-

Pay 2000 Lifepoints to activate this card.

Untl the End Phase of this turn, all monster cards on your Opponent's side of the field and in his/her hand are treated as monsters with 1500ATK.

During the turn you activate this card, you cannot preform your Battle Phase.


Food Poisoning -Instant Spell-

Send 1 "Hungry Burger" from your hand to the Graveyard. Return 1 face-up monster on the field to it's owner's hand and inflict 1200 points of damage to your Opponent's Lifepoints.


Airborne Sickness -Continuous Trap-

As long as you control a face-up level 2 or lower DARK-Attribute monster, the ATK of all face-up monsters is reduced by 1000 points.


Dark Break -Trap-

Release 1 DARK-Attribute monster you control. Select 1 Trap card from your deck, and set it face-down on your side of the field. You cannot activate that card, during this turn. When that card is removed from the field, Remove it from play.


Infectious Field -Trap-

After activation, place this card face-up ontop of your deck. You cannot draw a card(s) during the Draw Phase, and when ever your deck is shuffled, place this card on-top of the deck again after it is shuffled. As long as this card remains face-up on top of your deck, each time a player enters the Battle Phase, decrese the ATK and DEF of all face-up monsters on the field by 500 points.


Cure Search -Continuous Trap-

You can only activate this card, if the top of your deck is "Infectious Field". This card cannot be removed from the field, except by it's own effect. Once per turn, you can roll a 6-sided die once. Depending on the result, execute the following:

1 or 2: Select 1 monster card from your deck, and add it to your hand.

3 or 4: Select 1 Spell card from your deck, and add it to your hand.

5 : Select 1 Trap card from your deck and add it to your hand.

6: Destroy this card, and draw 3 cards under "Infections Field"


......If I get another idea, I'll add it here

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Cure Search -Continuous Trap-

You can only activate this card, if the top of your deck is "Infectious Field". This card cannot be removed from the field. Once per turn, you can roll a 6-sided die once. Depending on the result, execute the following:

1 or 2: Select 1 monster card from your deck, and add it to your hand.

3 or 4: Select 1 Spell card from your deck, and add it to your hand.

5 : Select 1 Trap card from your deck and add it to your hand.

6: Destroy this card, and draw 3 cards under "Infections Field"



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Cure Search -Continuous Trap-

You can only activate this card' date=' if the top of your deck is "Infectious Field". [b']This card cannot be removed from the field.[/b] Once per turn, you can roll a 6-sided die once. Depending on the result, execute the following:

1 or 2: Select 1 monster card from your deck, and add it to your hand.

3 or 4: Select 1 Spell card from your deck, and add it to your hand.

5 : Select 1 Trap card from your deck and add it to your hand.

6: Destroy this card, and draw 3 cards under "Infections Field"




......... I c wut u did thar

But I fixed it

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Cure Search -Continuous Trap-

You can only activate this card' date=' if the top of your deck is "Infectious Field". [b']This card cannot be removed from the field.[/b] Once per turn, you can roll a 6-sided die once. Depending on the result, execute the following:

1 or 2: Select 1 monster card from your deck, and add it to your hand.

3 or 4: Select 1 Spell card from your deck, and add it to your hand.

5 : Select 1 Trap card from your deck and add it to your hand.

6: Destroy this card, and draw 3 cards under "Infections Field"




I can top that:


You take no battle damage from battles involving this card. Once per turn' date=' if this card would be destroyed by battle, it is not destroyed. [b']Damage calculation is applied normally.[/b])


I know it makes sense, but the wording is still fail.


Anyway, nice Virus set. 9/10.

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Genma' date=' that typo has ben fixed by now.


Anyway, nice Virus set. 9/10.

And thanks.


You're welcome. And just because a typo is fixed, doesn't mean I won't mock it.

I know, but still..


I like this set. Severely OP'd but it's still good.

Aside from Airbone Swine' date=' which of them are over-powered?

And I plan to fix Swine


All I know is that if I had to face this archetype I would Sychro for Black Rose all day, every day.


Black Rose is limited though...

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I like this set. Severely OP'd but it's still good.

Aside from Airbone Swine' date=' which of them are over-powered?

And I plan to fix Swine[/quote']IMO the following cards are retardedly broken. Don't take offense, I just speak harshly:

Airbone Swine -WIND-



This card's Attribute is also treated as DARK.

When this face-up attack-position card is destroyed as a result of battle, destroy all face-up monsters on the field and all monsters in both player's hands with an ATK of 1500 or more. If this card's effect was activated, the controller of it cannot conduct your Battle Phase until the end of your 3rd End Phase, after this effect was used.

1000ATK / 1000DEF


You said yourself that you knew this card had problems...


Proxy Chicken Cluster -DARK-



If this face-up card is destroyed, while it is the only monster on the field, this card's effect is activated.

Special Summon 1 Proxy Chicken Token(DARK/Lvl1/Winged-Beast/0ATK/0DEF) in defence position, in each open monster card zone on the field.



Complete field lock-down? As well as fodder to use you effects with?


Fake Vaccine -Spell-

Pay 1000 Lifepoints to activate this card.

Untl the End Phase of this turn, all cards on your Opponent's side of the field and in his/her hand are treated as face-up monsters with 1500ATK.

During the turn you activate this card, you cannot preform your Battle PHase.


This card should never exist in conjunction with Crush Card or similar effects


Airborne Sickness -Continuous Trap-

Each time a monster is Summoned, reduce it's ATK by 1000 points.


I would run 3 of this in every deck I own.


Dark Break -Trap-

Release 1 DARK-Attribute monster you control. Select 1 Trap card from your deck, and set it face-down on your side of the field. You can activate it this turn, if the timing of it is correct.


Mirror Force? Sakuretsu? Crush Card? ICARUS ATTACK?! Oh god please no.


All I know is that if I had to face this archetype I would Sychro for Black Rose all day' date=' every day.



Black Rose is limited though...

I would find a way.

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IMO the following cards are retardedly broken:

Airbone Swine' date=' Proxy Chicken Cluster, Fake Vaccine, Airborne Sickness, and Dark Break[/quote']

I said "aside from Swine" btw...

Proxy's efect is rediculously situational, and even if you used it during the 1st turn o the duel, the Opponent woul still get 5 Releaseable tokens.

Fake Vaccine is ONLY good, in combination with a virus card. And even then, that would be a bit situational.

Airborne sickness, yea, i might edit that one.

And Dark Break i might just remove all together.


.........And you didnt really give reasons as to why they were over-powered.

But yea, I ixed the ones I thought were over-powered.

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