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Digimon Shadow Sealing RP [Basic] [PG-16]


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"Angel Digimon are ranked based on the number of wings we have" Patamon explained "Angemon has 6 wings, Piddomon only has 2" he gasped "Well then..." he triggered Mark's digivice "Patamon digivolve too... Angemon!"


"I'm so sorry" DemiDevimon said "But I don't know how or why my true partner isn't here, only that he isn't"

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Lyet chuckled. "Never heard of that before. Then again, where I lived, Angel Digimon weren't the most common things in the world." Glancing at the other two digimon, he nodded and was bathed in light. "Salamon digivolve to... Piddomon." he said passively, as he once again transformed into the shirtless angel, with a long pink ribbon around his arms and shoulders. "Indeed." he said with a nod.


Elecmon shrugged. "I don't feel too bad about it. Mhm." he stretched out again. "You'll probably find him again. Even if you don't, I think you'd be able to."


Raina shook her head and muttered. "Like God would ever do anything..." she sighed, then stood up a little. "Fine. If we have a greater purpose here, exactly what are we doing here?"

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Angemon squatted down "Well now I feel tall" he said looking at Piddomon "Never mind, you must feel short", flicking Gatomon's tail ring back and forth


"Yeah, but I'm starting to think, maybe, Mark IS my true partner" She looked at Elecmon "Do you know what I mean?" she asked


"It would be my guess" Mark told Raina "I'm Mark by the way" he said, offering her his hand

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Lyet shrugged, reached over and pulled off his helmet. His face beneath looked like a normal human's, with short blond hair and a small nose. His irises were colored a hot pink, which was the only inhuman aspect of him. He shrugged. "I dunno." he held his helmet and looked at it. "I can see my helmet like this, but if I put it on..." He lowered his helmet onto himself. "...it stops becoming visible to my eyes." he said with a shrug.


Ren blinked. "Wait, you can take that helmet off?"


Lyet shrugged again. "It's a bit like, say, my Holy Ring as a Salamon. I can remove it if I want, but doing so decreases my power. Same with any other digimon, really; we can remove our clothing or armor, but if it happens to be the things we digivolved with, they contain some of our power. Get it?"


Ren nodded slightly. "Yeah, somewhat."


"Raina." She responded, shaking each of their hands in turn.

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