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Digimon Shadow Sealing RP [Basic] [PG-16]


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Guest TheFinalFan

IC: Vix tried to get through the barrier surrounding her, but it simply repelled her.

"Not what?!?" she declared.

"Perhaps I can be of assistance..." her Digivice chirped.

"Alright...what can you do?"

"Simply draw a card from my deck slot, then scan it, while yelling 'Digi-Modify' and the name of the card."

"Why would I yell that?"

"Voice activation protocol. It's part of my programming."

"OK. I'll give it a shot."

Vix drew a card, and saw that it was some sort of white winged armored serpent. She then scanned it in the slot on the back of the Digivice.

"Digi-Modify! Quetzalmon!"

A flash of white light surrounded her, and once it was clear, Vix now had a pair of white feathery wings, white armor, and a long serpent-like tail.


She quickly flew above the barrier's height and flew towards Warlockmon.

"So, how do I attack?"

"Simply declare the name of your attack, and you will do the rest. Your current list of attacks are Diamond Storm, Power Paw, Kohenkyo, Toltec Wind, Fossil Wave, and Freezing Wave."

"Alright. Toltec Wind!"

Vix suddenly whipped up a sandy wind with her new tail that was sent towards Warlockmon.

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OOC: I'll switch to Rookie/Champion/Ultimate/Mega then


(OOC; I don't really care, just noticing you're the only one other than me to use that system.)


Piddomon scowled at the two warlock digimon, as he twirled his staff in his left hand. Most Piddomon were right-handed, so that made him a bit of an oddity; then again, his lack of shirt and wearing his pink standard across both his arms instead of just the left and the waist had already made him a bit odd.


He flicked his wings and blew himself to the side, flanking the two spellcaster Digimon. "Hand of Love!" he called, as a symbol appeared on his open right palm before bursting into a glowing brand of flame aimed at the opponent.


Ren blinked, and nodded before fiddling with the buttons. Elecmon sighed as he was consumed in the light of Digivolution, more than likely not due to anything Ren had done.


"Elecmon..." he started, before breaking out of his sequence with a quadrupedal brown body, with purple highlighted muscle structures. He had a toreso on top of a horse-like body, with wicked gray claws for hands. Unlike most Centarumon, his helmet was cracked at the base, leaving only a shattered ring of metal around his neck. This revealed the face-somewhat human like, with longish brown hair the same color as his pelt, and feather-like structures at the back of his head resembling his tail as an Elecmon. His eyes were the same shade of purple as his muscles.

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Guest TheFinalFan

OOC: Time to kick some Digi-ass!!!




Yes...that was very corny...

IC: The Toltec Wind attack didn't dso much, but it did conveniently take down all of the barriers, much to BK and Warlockmon's chagrin...

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Both Digimon stood the brunt of the attacks, visibly, they were weakening. 'Fools, you wasted to much time' BK grunted. 'Twincast: Pyroclasm' they both cried. Small fiery spheres littered the area near each of the enemy Digimon. Each detonated in fiery bursts, littering the field in smoke.

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Guest TheFinalFan

IC: Vix saw the flaming orbs heading towards her friends, and countered.

"Freezing Wave!"

She spun her tail around rapidly, creating a nexus of cold. Normally, this attack would be used on a Digimon constricted by the tail, but then Vix continued her attack.

"Toltec Wind!"

Her Toltec Wind attack unleashed, but was combined with the icy energy from her Freezing Wave, creating a blizzard-like gust that prematurely detonated the Pyroclasm, as well as hitting her opponents with a powerful subzero blast.

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OOC: sorry I havnt posted.

IC: "Well, really. Very well then." Tobi readied a green and black digivice, placing the centre of his palm onto the end of the digivice, Wormmon then catapulted in the air, shouting briskfully as he changed forms, "Wormmon digivolve to, Stingmon". Afterwards, a large, humanoid bee came up.

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Demi and BK were still channeling their attack. 'She is just a rookie using an armour digimon's attack, we can beat her' BK said. 'For how long? We have to contend with several other digimon' Demi replied. 'Fine, detonate the spheres and in the smoke we'll escape' BK whispered. Several of the spheres exploded around them and the smoke seemed to flicker as it cleared. Both digimon had fled.

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Centarumon crossed his arm, huffed, and let out what seemed a little like a whinny. "Well, that was deceptively easy..." he muttered, quickly shifting back into Elecmon form. He yawned a little "I hoped to get a little excersize."


Piddomon nodded, and glanced around at the various Champions. "Thank you all. I haven't met any of you yet, but I assume you are all also digidestined and the guardian digimon of such." he said, with a slight nod. Raina was sitting a distant ways away, back against a tree.

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Guest TheFinalFan

IC: Vix's Digi-Modification disintegrated as she floated down to earth. She then spotted a girl with a Salamon, whom she walked over to.

"Hi! I'm Vix! Nice ta meetcha!"

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