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Digimon Shadow Sealing RP [Basic] [PG-16]


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Elecmon shrugged. "I really wouldn't know. BioHybrids, from what I understand, are artificial digimon created from the soul and body of a Human, fused with the data extracted from a specially prepared digimon. The process is really quite horrific, since it not only kills the donor Digimon, but also mutilates the human."

He glanced over at Ren. "Oh, him? He's just a wuss. Don't pay him any mind."

Ren glanced up from the rock and gave a bashful grin. He felt oddly self-conscious, mainly because he wasn't sure what to think about the girl. On one hand, she blew open his perception of reality, much in the same way Elecmon did, and seemed fairly frightening for several reasons. On the other, if you could see past the tail and fur, she seemed kinda cute...

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Guest TheFinalFan

IC: "Well, I don't remember anything like that happening..."

Come to think of it, she couldn't really remember ANYTHING beyond waking up about 10 minutes ago.

She closed her eyes and obtained an expression of deep thought as she tried searching her mind for something, anything, and found a few fragments that gave her more questions than answers.

"My...name...is.....Vix!" She declared, her voice sounding strained.

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Elecmon shrugged and nodded. "Okay. Hello, Vix." He said with a chuckle. "You probably wouldn't... Hmm..." He muttered. "You know, I've heard that most Bio-Hybrids can use their BioDigivice to shift in between Digimon shape and human form. Have you tried doing that yet?" he asked, seeming curious.

Ren twitched a little, looking around awkwardly, as he tried to mask the fact he was still lost.

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Guest TheFinalFan

IC: Vix turned to her Digivice, which answered Elecmon's question.

"According the data I have gathered from scanning my mistress, combined with my own systems analysis, there is a 0.000152% chance of her having the ability to turn into a more human form on her own, and a 0.00764% chance that I have the ability to do the same."

"Dammit!" Vix swore, then collapsed and started sobbing.

"I just want to go home, but I don't even know where it is! I don't know where I am, or why I'm like this, or what my real name is!!!"

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Elecmon blinked, apparently not expecting that reaction, and was mercifully silent for the moment. Ren paused for a second, then went forward and nealt next to the crying Kitsune. "Hey... It's not that bad..." He said gently. "Elecmon told me that there's others like me, trapped here in this world. If there's more like me, maybe there's more like you... So, maybe someone will be able to tell you more about you..." He said awkwardly. He wasn't really used to making others feel better.

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Ren twitched uncomfortably, but blushed a little bit. "No problem." he said with a smile, scratching the back of his head. Elecmon just nodded. "Well, maybe you should come with us at any rate." he said gruffly. "Safety in numbers and whatnot..." He said with a slight sigh, his tail feathers wafting a little in the breeze.

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Guest TheFinalFan

IC: Vix leapt towards Elecmon and santched him up, squeezing him against her well-endowed bodice.

"Thank you thank you thank you!!!" she exclaimed, not noticing the currently suffocating target of her affection.

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Elecmon's body spasmed several times as he was forcibly constricted by BioHybrid-strength arms against her chest. "Okay, okay, I get it." He managed to choke out, using up what little air he had left as he attempted to wriggle away. Ren put his hands in his pockets and looked around awkwardly, trying not to look envious.

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Guest TheFinalFan

OOC: I'm kind not doing anything...

IC: Vix suddenly sensed someone coming, and she put down Ren (who was very thankful of the newcomer's interruption) and turned to see who it was...

OOC: Might be back sometime later today...

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(OOC; I find it hilarious we're the only 3 doing anything, even though we're not even where the actual plot is happening)


Ren blinked slightly at the waterlogged trio, before coming to his sense. "Oh... hey, waitaminute!" he exclaimed. "It's another human!" he said, rushing to Mark's side. "Hey, are you alright? What happened?" he said, blinking a bit.


Elecmon just chuckled and shook his head, walking over and giving both smaller digimon a quick once-over, checking that they weren't hurt.

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Guest TheFinalFan

IC: Vix noticed that the two baddies were preparing for an attack.

"Not if I can help it." she muttered.

She then looked at Ren, Mark, Elecmon, DemiDevimon, and Patamon.

"You guys wanna help me take down these creeps?"

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"Yeah sure" Mark said, rolling up his sleeves to reveal a 01 digivice on a watch strap on each arm "Think Adult will be good enough?" He asked Vix and Ren


"I can beat them as a Child level" Patamon boasted


"Yeah right" DemiDevimon said groggily "What am I sarcastically disagreeing to?" The digimon asked, with a distinct feminine, but childishly malicious, voice

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(OOC: "Adult" Level? Heh, haven't heard someone use the Japanese levels in a while. Then again, I use "Perfect" instead of "Ultimate", so I shouldn't talk...)


Elecmon yawned a little bit and shrugged slightly. "I guess." he muttered boredly. Ren blinked, and glanced at Mark; "Wait, Adult level? What are you talking about?" He said with wide eyes. Elecmon snickered a little.


"Right. I forgot about that. Well, sharp-eyes, that thing that took you here isn't just for decoration; theoretically, it can make your partner, aka myself, increase their strength by changing form and going up a class in power."


He chuckled. "I can manage Adult by myself, thank you, but you'll need to practice if you'll ever want me to go Perfect. So, watch Mark. He seems to know what he's doing." he said with a slight smirk.


Ren blinked, and picked up the Digivice on his belt; it was a light gray in color, the same shape as an 01 variety but wider, larger, and with a slightly larger display. It was rounded at the ends and somewhat reminded him of a rounded rectangle.

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OOC: I'll switch to Rookie/Champion/Ultimate/Mega then


"Yeah, I've been here a week, I know what I'm doing" Mark said "Just press this button and..."


"Patamon digivolve to..." The orange Digimon said "...Angemon"


Mark repeated the process for the left digivice


DemiDevimon silently digivolved to Devidramon

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