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Digimon Shadow Sealing RP [Basic] [PG-16]


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From the trees, Demi and BK approached her. 'Curaga' Demi chanted. Green-blue particles surrounded the twins and they weren't as raggled as before. Both pointed the orbs of their staves at Ivy. The fractal code began to drain into the orbs. 'So sorry it had to be this way sister. Dosvidanya sweet sister' Demi stated.

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Demi and BK stopped, the data trails began to return to Ivy. 'We won't dear sister. We never wanted to hurt you, we always served Ultimate, but he has made a fatal error. He broke the seals holding us from mega stage, and thus, our servitude to him has ended' Demi said as they approached. They both knelt down to her and they hugged her. 'You are our sister, blood does not dictate that' BK added.

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IC (Vix): Vix and Lily just stood, dumbfounded that the creeps that they have been battling all this time are actually on their side.

"Wait! Hold on a second! Let me get this straight:"

"You used to work for the same organization that Ivy did, and possbly myself, but you went rouge, and started attacking other Digidestined, including Ivy and myself, and now you just found out that Ivy is your sister."

"Then why the f**k were you fighting all of us in the first place?!?!?"

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Demi looked at her. 'BK and I serve lord UltimateChaosmon. Ivy was one of our operatives, that is to say, Thorn was. When that weird mumbo jumo happened and Ivy became a BioDigimon, Thorn was released and so to was Ivy. Whilst she worked for Ultimate, BK and I treated Ivy like a sister whilst she was in this world. We are of course 100% digimon' Demi explained.

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'Because Ultimate ordered us to eliminate any Digimon. Because you had escaped the bioware project, which we were against at the time, we also targetted you. Ultimate doesn't want you humans in our world. I don't see what he saw in Ivy besides Thorn, but we were his hitmen, sufficed to say that we were charged with bumping you guys off' Demi explained.

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OOC: You gotta reread what you missed, Cerberumon X is in green


"Emerald Blaze!!!!!!!!!!!" Cerberumon shouted as green fire shot out of his mouth "You stole IVY!!!!!!!!" He roared again, slamming Vix against the wall of the dome they were trapped in


Ultimate let me live and implanted me with Thorn because I'm not a BioHybrid" She said "Never was. I'm something different. I'm an Ancient Warrior, a corrupted one at that..."

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Toby turned to his side, seeing Vix thrown up against the wall. He effiecently pushed Ivy behind her, and clenched both his fists. His black and Green digivice hummed with a hue of energy. "D.N.A! BioMerge!" Toby was then grasped in a blinding green light as he transformed into a half armoured bug being. He turned to stare at Ivy. "We think your freind may need some help."

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IC (Jill): The Commandramon fired on BanchouLeomon, turning him into ground lion meat before he reverted to a Digi-Egg.

"I'm afraid I can't allow that." Jill replied to the Digi-Egg before absorbing his Fractal Code.

She then stomped on the Digi-Egg, turning it into even more Fractal Code.

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