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Digimon Shadow Sealing RP [Basic] [PG-16]


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"Let them sleep?" Ivy suggested, catching Lily by the waist as she finally nodded off completely, still on her feet "Unless of course you think they can't be trusted, in which case leave them be"


"The diamond?" BioMarsmon said, holding up the giant jewel "This diamond?" he chuckled and it disappeared into nothingness "Fine, I give in, I'll let you work off the meal"

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"Like thats gonna happen." Zak thaught to himself. He srived at the dojo to find BanchoLeomon sitting on the ground reading a magazeen. "Excuse me?" He said as he walked up to the digimon. "I would like to learn how to fight."

The leomon looked up at me. "I'm sory, but this is a special kind of dojo, and we dont..." He sudenly spoted Zak's digivoce on his belt. "Well, it look like you came to the right place." He stood up. "Follow me." Zak followed him inside, but Lucemon was told to stay outside.

"Ok, so were do we start?" Zak asked.

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IC: Suddenly, the right wall explodes.

An female anthro Guilmon wearing nothing other than a military field vest and a BLD MK2, accompanied by dozens of Commandramon, walks throught the newly-created hole in the wall.

"Hi! I'm Jill, and I'm looking for this person." the BioGuilmon responds in a very energetic voice.

She holds up a picture of a female anthro Renamon who looks strangely familiar.

"I, along with the 3rd Digital World Army, am looking for her because she escaped from our top-secret research facility."

"Tell me where I can find her or else I will order Echo Squad to blow your brains out!" she continues in that cheery voice as the Commandramon cock their machineguns and aim them at the five beings' heads.

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"OK" Ivy said, gently flipping Lily onto her back and Beast Spirit Evolving into Hippogryphomon "So, where'd you run off to?" She asked, waiting for Vix to lead since she couldn't see her two paw-hands in front of her


Bryce, in his human form, was taking a nap along the left wall, barely stirring when the opposite wall ceased being "Hyper..." he started before nodding off again

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OOC: Ok, fair enough, but soon enough they will permenantly change ^_^

IC: Toby started to come to, in the middle of a large opening, srrounded by various other people, he stumbled to his feet, curious where Wormon was, he searched over the camp to find him, then he struggled to stand as he could hear a faint voice as he thought to himself, another noticable feature was Toby coudn't help but notice the use of "We" instead of "I" in his speech.

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