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Digimon Shadow Sealing RP [Basic] [PG-16]


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"Well then, how about Lily?" Ivy asked "I've always loved that name. A beautiful name, beautiful flower, beautiful cat girl" She smiled "It fits"


OOC: New bio, I'll use navy for him


Name: Bryce

Age: Unknown, between 16 and 19

Gender: Male

Pic: Bryce has brown hair, tanned skin, green eyes, and wears tattered jeans, a golden shirt with the star off the Crest of Hope on it, and a navy blue jacket

Personality: Bryce is reckless and foolhardy and typically, things just barely manage to work out in favor of him keeping his life.

Bio: Bryce was brainwashed to be one of the Master's servants like Ivy was, however, whereas Ivy had her mind suppressed by Thorn, the Master tried to wipe out Bryce's mind completely and corrupt him that way. However, after his mind was wiped, Bryce was still himself. As a result, he is now the most wanted being in the Digital World.

Digimon Partner: Himself

Digimon Bio and Personality: Before Bryce lost his memory, he was given a Data Link Digivice 1.0, which he used to scan the fractal code of a Wormmon and a Leomon after his memory was wiped. The Wormmon gave him his first form, BioBullmon, while the Leomon gave him BioMarsmon

Digimon Line: Self->BioBullmon->BioMarsmon

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OOC: You know, Lily's your character too, Blackstone.

IC: Lily nuzzled up against Ivy.

"Thank you."

She then let go and turned to face both of them.

"I don't know many words, but I'll try my best."

"I have this...feeling...inside of me that I am part of both of you. That I am...umm....."


"Yes! 'Cun-neck-ted' to you two."

Lily sighed as she thought for a little bit.

"What I want to ask is.....could you two be my big sisters?"

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[spoiler=OOC: Dragoone]

OoC: Uh' date=' soprry I was sick... what happend while I was away?

[/quote']not much, MagnaAngemon wasn't strong enough to beat Demi & BK. Zak's digivice overloaded & gave Magnaangemon the temp power of a mega & was then turned in to Cupidmon after wining the fight.....and as for 'Blackstone Dresden' & 'YRPOtaku169'.... i have no clue.



IC: Zak looked around the destroyed resturant & saw digitomamon climbing out of the rubble. "We should get out of here before we have to pay for this stuff. Sory Mas, in situations like this its every man for himself."

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Ivy yawned also and followed behind Vix "Why don't we just camp out under the stars?" She suggested, and Vix reluctantly agreed. "Execute! Beast Spirit Evolution!" She said, digivolving into Hippogryphomon and wrapping one wing around Lily while wrapping the other one and her tail around Vix


Lily was extremely confused at a little scared of Ivy but something inside her told her that it would be alright. She yawned again and curled up under Ivy's wing


As Zak said that, a Marsmon with green hair took out a Bio Link Digivice and a large diamond appeared in his hand "This should cover the damages" He said

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Demi and BK managed to rise to their feet, they were both shaking as they tried to get steady. 'Maybe we were going down the wrong road. But we owe Ultimate so much' Demi remarked. 'Yeah, and unless we're reborn, he is still preventing us from achieving our mega stage' BK added. They both collapsed into the crater again. 'We're dead' BK said.

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"Because I'm outnumbered" Thorn said as flakes of data started coming out of the ground and the trees "Plus, I'm actually starting to like you guys" the swirl of data collected into a ball "Without you two, I'd have no hope of getting my body back and I'd be stuck here forever" the ball of data reformatted into Thorn "Ugh, I am getting so SICK of having to manually generate clothing" She told them, fractal code swirling around her to avoid indecency "How do you guys get around that?" she asked her clothes eventually reformatting

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Tobys eyes started to slip open slightly, the new light piercing the back of his skull. Toby could feel a slight drowning sensation with a twist of hopelesness as he gazed around the darkness, only the small flickering lights. Toby started to twist and turn as he coudn't find any sense of his freind Wormmon. He could only wait until somone found him, then, Toby shut his eyes and started to dream.

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