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Digimon Shadow Sealing RP [Basic] [PG-16]


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Name: Matt Hawk

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Pic: [spoiler=Here]art-001.jpg


Personality: Sarcastic, Caring, hot headed, and short tempered.

Bio: From the USA, Matt got his digimon partner, a Veemon, when he was at age 10. He has traveled the world with his Veemon.

Digimon Partner: Veemon

Digimon Bio and Personality: Energetic, loyal, and impatient.

Digimon Line:



[spoiler=Rest of line] Ex-Veemon







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OoC: Tnxs CS, we r on a town...


IC:Gaomon eyes got wet... "Y-you..." said while walking a bit away from Mas "You... cant... be... in..."


Mas kneed to be at the size of gaomon "Y-you dont understtand... gao--"

"--GTFO¡" said gaomon and punched mas on the face, after he run on the woods getting lost from the sight


OOC: Sorry guy GTG come back like in 2 HRS

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Demi and BK stood side by side. 'Matriv Evolution' they cried. Their data began to fluctuate as large data eggs covered them both, they both grew in size and shattered, revealing two terrible new Digimon. Demi had now become seven feet tall and wore white and red chest armour, with his cape attached at the shoulders. He wore steel toed boots, with each knees adorned with a golden eagle. The abdominal area had the same pants as before. He wore a pair of iron gauntlets that went to the elbows, and had his shirt covering the rest. Demi now wore a helmet, with the eye guard lowered, revealing only the lower half of his face; white hair hung form the back. In his hand, was a glorious light grey staff, with a pair of angel wings at the top. Perched in between the base of the wings was the white orb, crackling with energy. BK was similar, except that his shoulders had small demon wings pairs extending from them, and his boots were marked with skulls. Like always, he had the large pointed hat, except it was slightly bent and had metallic patches. His staff was tipped with a small demon that held the orb in its hands above its head. It crackled with energy as well. 'MetaWarlockmon/AltronWarlockmon' they both announced. 'Light of Repention' Demi cried and fired a holy blast at Vix near point-blank range.

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Dark energy crackled from BK's staff as he pointed it at the attack. 'Dark Ascension' he cried, firing a terrible blast of dark energy that crashed into the attack, then began forcing it back. Demi joined him by his side and lined his staff up with BK's. 'Light of Repentance' he cried. His staff crackled with light energy and he fired a lrge blast of holy energy. Both attacks merged into a chaotic blast which cut stright through the Hand of Fate.

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Angemon used his wings, his arms & his legs to try to block the attack, but it was useless. His wings were torn to shreads & his helmet was half destroyed, bus body was bruised all over.

"Angemon, stop." Zak yelled, his eyes filling up with tears. "If you keep fighting your gonna die."

"I have to win." Angemon stood up again & flew at BK & DEMI "Holy Rod." He swound his staf at Demi.

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Demi grabbed the staff as if it were nothing. 'Our master would take admiration in your attempts to try, but alas, we're not impressed' Demi mused as he flipped his staff around to reveal a sharpened end. He brought it straight through Angemon's abdomen. 'Sleep now' he whispered.

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OOC: Broken (Wait, what do you wanna be called?), can you have BK/Demi wipe their minds when this battle's done? That way, I can still have Ivy playing both sides (and, yes, in more ways then one)


Ivy did an acrobatic triple backflip and pushed herself off the ground, Spirit Evolving midflip and landing gracefully on her feet as D'Arcmon "" she shouted as a beam of light shot out of her staff "Be a good girl and don't get any permanent scars from that" She told Vix, leaving Angemon (OOC: And Gao(ga?)mon, didn't fully reread) to BK and Demi "I'd hate to ruin that lovely body of yours" She then had an idea and looked down at her DigiRing, still in ring form. She held it out and triggered the data scan, hoping that it would cause as much pain to Vix as it did to Gaomon and be as easily healed"

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OoC:if you guys didint know i was accepted via pm

IC:Liamon fought the rouge digimon and absorbed his data.Akura congradulated him as he turned back to Liollmon."Great job Liollmon",Akura said to Liollmon,"Why thank you Akura",Liollmon replied.

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"ANGEMON!!" Zak ran over to angemon as he hit the ground. "Angemon, are you ok?"

Angemon started to get up. "I think so."

"Angemon, dond get hurt anymore." Sudenly Data started to daround Zak's fist. "Looks like its time for round 2." He placed his hand over his digivice. "DNA FULL CHARGE!!"

"Angemon digivolve to.....Magna Angemon."

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OoC: gaomon knowhere is unknown...


IC: Mas looked back at the scene... without gaomon he couldnt fight... but... "Zak..." He shouted... "Good look... i`ll look for gao... i need to talk him..." as going back on its way,,,


A place not so far of it, out of the city in the woods mas and gaomon got lost...


"Sniff..." gaomon sobbed, "W-why mas... i... dont even think he was... in love with me..." "Why me..."

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Mas looked back, "Knowing gaomon... he will come... but i cant wait..." Said as starting to get out of the town...




Gaomon looked at the sky... "Birdy?" He said while drying its tears with its arm... "I wont go... if they are fighting i... will be useless... as im every day passes... a stupid dog!" he said...

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Mas got a bit angry, "IM NOT GONNA STAY¡" he shouted, "I feel useless here!", " He wont come if he smells me here!... still... if i go in the other way... he will come... just give him a hug from me..." he sighed "and say him i didnt wanted it to be like it..." as he went out of sight...




Gaomon stood up and looked at the city... "M-may I?"

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