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Digimon Shadow Sealing RP [Basic] [PG-16]


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"Yeah, you two attain Ultimate for free and I still have four souls left until I attain Beast" Ivy said, sauntering over from behind a tree and shaking her head "Granted, I can't complain too much, since I have at least one Ultimate" she shook her head and clicked her teeth "Poor little thing has no IDEA how much I'm playing him"

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Ivy smiled wickedly "You forgot about me?" She asked, holding one hand over her heart "That really hurts BK" She smiled, this one showing an innate cruelty "Though, I can't be too hard on you, Master did have me stationed in Baihumon's region for the past year, but still, how many other humans have you met that Spirit Evolve?"

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Demi raised a couple of fingers and began counting, reducing and incresing the number each time. 'There was that one time we tripped out on some of Ebonwumon's fog and' he began before Demi slapped a hand over his mouth. 'We promised to never speak of that again, we were just being cautious Ivy' Demi replied.

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"Sorry about the arm BK, but I had to make it look convincing and I've seen Demi regrow you from a stump" She winked "But that's one of those moments you made me promise never to speak of again" She giggled and sat down in the grass "So, from what I've found, Master has this in the bag" She told them "Especially that creep with a Gaomon" she shook her head and smiled "Dear God, did you see their faces when I Warp Digivolved Terriermon?"

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Demi shook his head. 'No, we were a little late to the party, but the one with that Lucemon is the one we must look out for. I still cannot believe that that human doesn't even realise that his partner's power decreases when he digivolves. But, it is best that you prevent him from attaining ultimate level. If it displays any hint of corruption, it will become Chaos Mode, and that is something Ultimate doesn't want' Demi replied. BK broke away from Demi. 'Where did you get that bunny in any case?' he inquired.


OOC: You got them round the wrong way, you took off BK's arm and Demi healed him.

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"Don't worry" Ivy assured them "I already did a line check on him. He's a glorified Patamon" she kissed her ring "He's a lop eared dog," She corrected, "and Master's ring came preloaded with him, he has no idea who's side I'm on, he's just there to help me blend in" She flashed them a smile and sat up, brushing some dust off her skirt, which then seamlessly shifted into a pair of shorts "So much for that plan"

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'That certainly is a bit cruel luv' Demi said then laughed. 'Master is truly amazing, preloading Digimon. But for the souls, keep up the work, thought I don't know what kind of image it you will have once you become HippoGryphomon' BK noted. 'In any case, we will keep up with our consistent attacks on that group. ANy idea where they are headed next?' Demi inquired.

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"I've heard the BioFreak speak of another group, separate from this one and, hopefully, a better fit for our Master's efforts" She smiled and stood up again, her shorts once again shifting to a skirt "And to an extent, our own" She adjusted her shirt as she said this to cover her midriff "Have you ever encountered this 'other group'?" she asked

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"Indeed" Ivy said, nodding in agreement "Dibs" she said with a chuckle. BK and Demi never could figure out if she was joking when she said things like that "Well, I'm assuming if you ever met the BioBabeFreak before, the group she was with would be the other, or should we call the Luce/Gaomon pairing the other group?" She shrugged "Semantics I guess"



[spoiler=OOC: Also, this is what Ivy's DigiRing looks like in Digivice mode]



From left: Terriermon, Spirit Evolution, standby


©someone that's not me


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OOC: Whoa. Ivy's a turncoat.

And she called Vix a BioFreak!

The nerve of her!

IC: Vix was standing behind a nearby tree, silently crying at this discussion between someone who she thought was her friend and the one who atatcked her friends.

The wave of shock and depression finally came over her and she leapt out from behind the tree, drawing a card that said "Prairiemon" and quickly scanning it and yelling "Digi-Modify!"

When the smoke cleared, Vix now had a pair of gauntlets with sharp, red claws. She pointed one of them at Ivy.

"You b***h!!! How could you?!? I thought you were our friend!!!"

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"OOOOOUUUU" Lucemon Screamed & started crying after being bit by Gaomon. "ZAAAAAAK"

Zak quickly grabed Lucemon & pulled him away from Gaomon. "Stop calling him a dog Lucemon." He tore off a pice of cloth from his shirt & wraped it around Lucemon's hand. "All beddar."

Lucemon Sat on Zak's lap & dig his face in to Zak's chest. "I'm tired."

Zak pated Lucemon's head & then snswered Mas "I'm 17."

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Gaomon seem a bit blushed "I-im sorry luce... just... dont call me a dog... is... degradant..." Said while looking down, "Its the worst living thing ever... they are just crap" he said while its back hair got erizated.


"Same..." said mas "A bit xtrange... i didnt knewd here 16 was a mayor " and laughed a bit... Mas liked to use some different lenguage expressions... "And... continuating with the interrogation" started again before taking a drink of its beer "why to be here? Didnt you liked your home... you GF ended with you or what?"

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Mas looked onto lucemon, "Something... like happend to me and gaomon... but..." said as blushing "I cant tell it right now",,, after he looked on the bar table... and sighed " still no..." said... a moments later he snapped out of a trance "Uh... yeh... ask me something... "

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