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Digimon Shadow Sealing RP [Basic] [PG-16]


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OOC: What did I miss?

IC: One thing common with almost all Digimon is that, after their first temporary digivolution, their metabolism starts to fluctuate do to the data re-coding from the Digivolution.

Currently, Vix is suffering from that side effect as she begins her 23rd course at a nearby diner run by a Digitamamon.

"By the way, ma'am." The owner intrudes on the BioRenamon's Sesame Chicken Mega-Combo Platter.

"Umm...dang, I forgot what the bill was. Vegiemon, what does the register say about her bill?"

"IT'S OVER 9000!!!!!" A Vegiemon at the cash register yells in a dramatic tone.

Vix drops both her chopsticks and her mouth in shock.

"WHAT!?!? 9000?!?" she declares.

OOC: Sorry. I couldn't help myself.

A little help?

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OOC: Screw it, I'll just relocate myself too.


Centarumon chuckled a bit. "What? Over 9000?" he said over his own, modest meal on the table next to the vixen. He hadn't digivolved back to Elecmon, partially because he liked the extra height.


Ren, meanwhile, hadn't been hungry and was examining the nearby area, marveling how they had managed to miss it. It was a small society built on a cliff, facing towards another part of the ocean. It looked relatively new, which was probably how it hadn't shown up on the map from earlier.


He waved a little to a couple small digimon, who hid upon noticing them. He blinked; Pretty much everyone there seemed afraid of him, other than the Vegimon at that diner.

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OOC:I thought it was established that the town was WAAAAAAAAAAAAY out there


Ivy walked off on her own, tapping out something in Morse Code on her DigiRing as she walked


Terriermon, who had inhaled about $12,000 worth of food in 10 minutes, was taking a nap next to Ren, with his ears wrapped around himself like a blanket


OOC2: dki? Wth does that mean? also, since I don't think Blaze is on, just go with a dramatic disappearance on their part

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OOC: Anyone that's 17 older than 8 and doesn't know enough to leave a girl alone when she needs to go to the bathroom deserves to be nonfatally shot. And please, use ! instead of ¡, it's less annoying and in English, there is no ¡


When Ivy was out of sight, she buried her DigiRing into the ground and a holographic image appeared out of it. She spoke to the unseen person for a good twelve or thirteen minutes and the hologram dissipated. She then picked up her DigiRing and placed it on her finger again

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OoC: ok... ok... XD and turely by the way, where did terriermon went?¡


Mas was again on the town looking for gaomon, Where could he be?, he looked at the right and was a closed small building with a door... looked like if where alone... "Should i...? maybe hes there" said, he touched the door... looks like it had key "Ok... not my lucky day..."

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OoC: can we continue with more IC and less OoC?


IC: Gaomon steped at the side of mas "Looking for someone?" he asked,

"Yes for gaomon... have you seen it?" - Mas

"Yup, just at your side..." - Gaomon

"Uh?" Mas said, "You r here!" exclamated while hugging hard gaomon

"Dude... you r sqishing my internal organs..." - Gaomon

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OoC: Didnt uderstood totally your post... could you explain slowly to me




Mas ended the hug and patted gaomon, "I`been looking for ya dud" said

Gaomon pointed himself "Whell... im here..." said with a face of dont getting the things...

"You dont need to understand, lets look for the others... I need a drink" said as starting walking

Gaomon still with no-getting what mas said followed him

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OOC: lol. I almost feel like a bilingual in this situation, i can understand both of you just fine.

I'm asuming the fight is over.



Zak sat at the park as he wachd Lucemon play around. "Sometimes i wonder if he's really as old as he sais he is." He noticed alot of other digimon playing, but Lucemon was the only Rookie. "I would say act your age, but then he would just act like an old man, no fun at all."

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Demi and BK had fled the fight and were resting in the nearby forest. 'Damn damn damn, how can we still keep getting beaten?' BK demanded. 'Strength in numbers, it is only us two against an entire team of tamers, it is to be expected' Demi admitted. 'It is not to be expected of some of finest troops' a terrifying voice boomed. They both whimpered as four arms appeared from nowhere and linked into a large viewing portal. A hideous yellow eye was peering through. 'U-U-U-Ultimate, we um' Demi began. 'Don't even start, I am well aware of your failures. It is unacceptable, I trust you understand that now I must break the seal holding your evolutions back, do not fail me' Ultimate stated. The portal faded and both of them were covered in black light. BK began to chuckle. 'It is good to attain ultimate again' he said.

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