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Digimon Shadow Sealing RP [Basic] [PG-16]


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Lucemon flew back & avoided the punch. "I can fly, so i have the advantage in a mid air battle." He stuck his toug out at gaomon. "Your never gonna get me."

Zak Let out a sigh. "Luce, can't you act muture for once in your life."

Lucemon streched out his arms & he a cross appeared in front of him. "Grand..."

"Lucemon STOP!!" Zak shouted. "That is not the kind of move you should be using for a kids fight."

"Sory, i got a little carried away."

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OoC: EH?¡

@Visser: Probs¡ I like drama¡ GIMME DRAMAH¡ XD


IC: Gaomon looked at the angel digi "Hmph... you lucky Im not using the Punisher today...", the Punisher was a metal additment to Gaomon gloves that made them like 3 times heavier, one hit with them would make a great damage, "Still... I think is better like that... so... Ivy was it? im bad remembering names..., still..., uh... , want a candy bar?" Gaomon said while taking out another candy bar


"Where you get them¡" Asked Mas already consoisnus...

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Demi and BK were staring at Aden, he hadn't moved AT ALL. BK gave him a prod with his staff and it feel down, somehow, it was a cardboard cutout. 'That is really stupid' Demi stated. 'Yeah, I guess we should go back and attack the others then' BK suggested. The confused twins began to follow the sounds of a large fight. 'We shall never speak of this again' Demi whispered.

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Mas was breaking its head by thinking how to fight them... "I... i will stay... you guys run... the further you can..." he said in Heroic voice... really he was scared but... with Gaomon at its side... it was another story


" WE WONT STAND HERE " Said roughly Gaomon, "I dont wanna die today..." thuse lasts words made the mind of Mas

"I think you are ok but... if we dont stand they will atack the others..." Mas said

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