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Digimon Shadow Sealing RP [Basic] [PG-16]


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OoC: Ok np, XD didnt even noticed what attacked him, but it give more logic to the flying meters away. Mind in getting in some trouble with mas and tyrannomon?


IC: Mas seeing at Gaomon in the floor got a bit sad, "C`mon dude¡ come here¡" shouted at Gaomon, but no response was there... "Gaomon¡ Im talking to you¡" shouted again and walked a bit to him, again no response, "I think gaomon is hurt Zak" "I need to help him" said while running to him...

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OoC: Ok, but with a little drama


IC: Mas got near to Gaomon and hugged him hard, "Im sorry... I should have touched the theme... I promise I wont ever touch it ever" Mas said with no response of Gaomon, " H-Hope isnt late but..." he passed the card through the scanner, and a light emerged from Gaomon, he was finally digivolving into Gaogamon...

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"Well, its about bloody time." Zak said as he see's Gaomon shining as he started to digivolve. He turned back to angemon, just in time to se him get hit with an attack & revert back to Cupidmon

"Cupidmon!!" Zak Ran & grabed Cupidmon & jumped out of the way, just in tme to avoid another of Tyranonon's attack's


Note: Cupidmon=In-Training level for Lucemon

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"But remember Gaomon was weak when digivolved Zak" Mas told, a while after he was shaking a bit, scared of loosing its only friend in large time, he sat a bit in the ground, "I cant handle it... Gaogamon is going to reverse near... is its first time, wont be so long..." said while shaking more...


Meanwhile gaogamon was still fighting the tyrannomon...


OoC: I leave you the pain part...

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Mas took Gaomon up, and hugged him hard, "Thanks Zak, if werent for you maybe Gaomon would be... over..." "We should for some medic treatment..." said while holding Gaomon in its arms...


Gaomon somehow looked more cute unconsoisenus, but he was hurted, making the moment a bit harder, "...fastly of preference" ended Mas

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"It's up to you" Mark said wrapping his arm around her shoulders and pulling her closer, watching the sunset


"OK, haven't you noticed that it takes energy to Digivolve up a level?" Pataomon asked Gatomon "And that you regain a part of that energy when you drop back down?" he stroked an imaginary beard with his right ear "So it would follow that it would take no energy to Slide Evolve, thus making it easier on me than trying to aim my digivolution"

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OoC:Orcman said i was accepted via PM


IC:Akura and Liollmon walked in the park.They spotted a Digimon and Liollmon started to growl."You ready Liollmon",Akura said,"Ready Akura",Liollmon said to him."Alright Digivolution activate",Akura said as Liollmon became surrounded in light,"Liollmon Digivolve to......Liamon!",Liamon said.Akura and Liamon were ready to fight.

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OOC: we need to hury up & get to were the otehrs are, otherwise what were doing wil be more like a side story & wont mater at all.


IC: Cupidmon opened his eyes. "There are more people nearby, human people." He lept out of Zak's arms & started looking around.

"Is that good or bad?" Zak said looking at Mas. "You were a good guy, but im not sure if were gonna be so lucky a 2nd time."

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"WHT IS THAT¡" said Mas as backing a pair of steps, he hugged Gaomon again and left it on the ground, "I dont want you to get hurt pup...--"


"--I-im not a pup..." Slowely said Gaomon,

"Ya R awake?¡" Exclamated Mas

"Yeh, but weak" Gaomon told...

"Still... what we do Zak?"

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"Ok..." said mas while sitting at the side of Gaomon. " I believed i where gonna loose you man..."

"But im ok... whell... tired... but ok, im fine now, we just need to rest" said Gaomon

"Yup" answered Mas...


The fight between the hume and his partner and the digimon was a bit like a movie...


"Want a candy?" asked Gaomon with another candy bar in the hand

"Sure..." answered Mas

"Take" said gaomon while giving a candy bar, "You guys want a candy?" asked Gaomon again,

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