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Digimon Shadow Sealing RP [Basic] [PG-16]


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Centarumon raised his eyebrow. "Did you ask that fancy digivice of yours about it? It's easier than digivolving in the first place."


Ren blinked upon learning of Vix's new identity, and blinked when he realized he was scrutinizing her. He then proceeded to blush when he realized he was scrutinizing her, looking away awkwardly from her newly...more developed, form.

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Gaomon laughed at Lucemon "C`mon, an angel? you look like thuse Winged Rats in human world that they call the Simbol of Peace ". "Sorry by that Zak, my Gaomon is... a bit... uh... you know... with Digimons..." Started Mas "But... what you do here? is not a great place to stay or to take a stroll"

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OOC: Forget the whole different-colored text thing.

IC: Vix realized that Ren was looking her new body over, and tried to cover her massive breasts. She then cried out "WHY CAN'T I TURN BACK?!?"

Suddenly, a beeping sound came from Mikey as she mechanically stated "Digivolved state collapsing."

There was a flash of light, and, when Ren could look again, Vix was a BioRenamon again.

"Why didn't you tell me that you had a Digivolution timer, you piece of junk?!? I asked you when my Digivolution would wear off!!!" she screamed at Mikey.

"Negative." Mikey flatly replied. "You queried IF your Digivolution would cease, not when."

Vix was about to attempt to pry Mikey off and punt the poor gadget as far as she could, when she heard a large explosion.

"Whoa. What was that?"

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Lucemon jumped on Gaomon & started punching him. "Take that back, you stupid dog."

Zak completly egnored the right that was going on & continued the conversation with Mas. "Wel, i dont have any other place to stay, so im stuck in the forest." His stomach starts rumbling. "Well, wanna join us for lunch?" He said i a half laugh. "We were just about to eat when Luce senced your presence."

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"Well, that solves that." Centarumon said nonchalantly, brushing a lock of long blond hair away from his face. He noticed Ren looking oddly at him. "What?" he said with a quirk of his brow.


"You went from a red and blue animal to a Centaur..." he muttered.


Centarumon shrugged. "Digivolutions don't always make sense." He glanced towards Vix. "You should probably work on controlling your evolutions." he mentioned, his horselike tail swishing a little. He glanced towards the explosion, with a thoughtful expression. "Maybe a Perfect or Mega type's in the area?" he said, hazarding a guess. "Or an Adult type got pissed off or something."

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Gaomon jumped a bit far from lucemon "Damned Bird... ya r strong" said Gaomon while resting a bit, "Maybe ya r a Dodo" Joked Gaomon while getting on fight stance again. "Sure i will, but... thuse guys are going to do that for a while..." said Mas while sitting on the ground for a rest "I havent rested in a large time"

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Gaomon looked dissapointed, but went near to Mas and took out another candy bar, this time, chocolate¡

"Hmm... delicius" Gaomon Said


"Dont know... found it?" Calmy said while bitting again.

"Zak, you know where to get more food? becouse im out of provitions..." Mas said looking dissapointed at the food bag

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OoC: wadda think of my new sigg?


IC: Gaomon didnt seen the plastic and took an apple, "Feels xtrange..." Said and bited it.

"Gaomon wait¡ have plastic¡ BRUTE¡*" shouted Mas while taking the apple of its hands, finnally he unwrapped the apple and gave again to Gaomon that eated it fast.


"Gosh... Gaomon is sure a case..." Sighed Mas while making the same mistake as Gaomon eating apple with plastic.




OoC= * = Brute is a word that Mas usses to say stupid to Gaomon

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OoC: Firstly my usercard, and the graphic is new, recently made but hadnt post my question XD



Gaomon snarled a bit " Better you said that to mas or--"

"--Hey¡" Shouted Mas.

"Or... ehm... ah..." ended Gaomon by biting the apple again...

Mas stared at Jak and felt ashamed, "Is better that I dont bite, or you would be on a hospital gaomon..." Said cruely to Gaomon... "But changing of theme... what are you doing by here? i know you dont have where to stay but... a forest as deep as this one isnt a Cute place to stay..."

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Mas stared a bit on the sky, "Angemon... hmmm... Have you tried to give him a Dark-Data?, a Dark-Angemon would be 10 times better..." said mas... he looked at Gaomon and sighed "I... still cant make Gaomon evolve... tried everything but... he just dosnt..."


Gaomon ended the apple and looked at Mas a bit sad, "Im taking a stroll" Said while getting up from the ground and started to walk through the woods...


"I think he is sad for it... but... why should I care..." Ended Mas, "I dont want him to be a Weak... but... he is just so cute like that..." and blushed...

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OoC: DK, maybe is Digimon Tamers (LUV THE DESIGN)


IC: Mas snapped out of a awake-dream "Maybe but... I dont want to loose its friendship by making him powerfull... is just a whirlind of ideas in my mind..." Said while a tear fall from its eyes... "I dont wanna make him do what dont want... is just that... i dont wanna see him suffer..."

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OOC: Tamer's? Darn, thats the only one that my character cant help with.

Wait....All you have to do is swipe a card for him to digivolve.



"I guess your right....but digimon realy are like dogs, thre loyal no mater what you do to them. He would never stay mad at you." Zak stood up. "How would you like to see the strongest champion in the world."

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OoC: Sup, or maybe a Kalumon is around




Mas stood up too and looked at where Gaomon dissapeared, "I... I would like to see it like..." started Mas, "I DONT KNOW, YES¡" shouted fastly while hitting a tree, "I know Gaomon is loyal, but... I... need him so much..." "Maybe I should look for it..." ended with a sigh of missing "I like to get lost with him, I lied to him becouse I dont want him to see me as a needed"

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OOC: He is only needed in order to turn in to digivolve to ultimate.

I'm gonna help you become a champion.



"Lucemon, go knock some sence in to Gaomon." Zak said as he finished up his meal. He stood up & sudenly a deck of cards fellfrom his pocket. "What the...." He bent down to pick them up. "Digimon cards, i havent played with these sence i got here." He looked through the cards & saw a card that said digivolution. "Hey, you want these? there no good to me know that ive got a real digimon."

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OoC: Ok ^^


IC: "Ok..." Said Mas as he took the cards... "Hope Gaomon doesnt got mad with me by telling you he cant digivolve... but... Wait..." Mas took out its digivice, "I read about some guys that... used digimon cards to digivolve or skills or something..." he put the card in the scanner and waited a bit, "I dont know... Lucemon wont find him out if its a Gaogamon... and sincerely... like gaomon as it is..." Mas couldnt find out what to do, he wanted Gaomon to be stronger, but he liked gaomon as the cute puppy it was...




Gaomon was crying against a tree, "Why I cant... Mas trust in me... but... im just trash as this... weak and puffy form..." cried Gaomon

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OOC: Mas needs some motavation.


"Mas. He doesnt stay a champion forever, he'll revert back to the lovable Gaomon as soon as his energy is gone." He said standing over Mas. "Thats what appens to digimon that don't digivolve naturaly."

A Tyrannomon ran out of the tree's & started attacking Gaomon.

Zak heard an exlosion from ove of the attack's. "We better go help."

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OoC: Ok, im on it


IC: "Sup" Mas dried its tears, "Hope Gaomon isnt involved", said as started to run at the sound





Gaomon was sent flying a bit from the explosion, "Gragh¡ damn beast¡" said as crashing with the land, and its trayectory kept a pair of meters more from there, "Im tired..." said in low voice, "...Should I run?" asked himself

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OOC: I said unimon.... that screws up my plans, i have to change it.

Is Tyrannomon. sory, but it has to be a Data doing the attacking otherwise it meses up my plan.



Zak & Lucemon got to wer the fight was. "D.N.A. CHARGE!!" He charged his digivice


"Lucemon Digivolve too......Angemon."

Angemon Hit The digimon & knocked it back a few feet. "Run Gaomon." He absorbed the staf in to his fist. "Fist of fate." He attacked Tyranomon, but it quickly recovered.

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